Doug Ford in regards to Rob Ford getting more support than Obama---" Like I said before, it's a metaphor, and what you're reporting, I guess someone said he wasn't getting support. Rob has helped---not only the black community, but almost any community that calls him, and it's customer service excellence. They call up, and Rob shows up . and that's all part of customer service excellence, part of his platform."
"And speaking of your family, I was asking about your nephew. he hasn't done any media at all. Why is that?"
"Because, that's not going to benefit him. The media is nasty. That's what it is. It's nasty and biased. There's no reason for Michael to do the media. It won't help him in the least up in Ward 2. Customer service excellence helps in Ward 2, making sure that we build subways, and that we, uh, keep the taxes low, that's what's going to help Michael in Ward 2. But he's going to work day in and day out, knocking on every single door. Over the years he's door knocked with us for years, and we look forward to letting the people of Ward 2 decide."
"Pretty young guy, twenty years old as I understand it."
"Yeah, pretty smart guy too. He's...he went out and got his pilot's licence by the time he was 18. He went out and got the additional...uh, training to land on the lake. And speaking of that, I wouldn't even hop on the back of a bicycle with 99% of the councilors, not to mention in a plane, so, uh, he's a bright individual, and he knows politics, and he, uh, has the pedigree of learning politics for twenty years of his life."