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Uh, there are probably a million videos on YouTube that feature people breaking the law. I highly doubt that YouTube gives a crap that Rob Ford is speaking in a room where he shouldn't have.
Enough complaints can get stuff taken down -- I've seen it happen with some pretty mild videos. Squeaky wheels and all that. The point isn't so much what's in the video but that multiple people complain about it.
From Twitter:
Jennifer Pagliaro ‏@jpags 1m
Breaking now - Chief Bill Blair's contract will not be renewed, police board says. His contract ends April 2015.

So I guess we should pencil in May 2015 for RoFo's arrest then?
Blair is done. Not clear if he asked for an extension on his contract or not.

ETA beaten to it. Now if he's a "lame duck" can he get what's left of the ball rolling with Brazen? Now doesn't have any political reason to either take or leave the case (in Ford world).
Ok my humble attempt at complaining has been sent!

Dear Ms. Leiper,

I'm writing today, as I'm sure many others are (and have been), to lodge a complaint against Mayor Rob Ford for, yet again, breaking the rules.

In his latest campaign video posted on his campaign website ( there is a video that he was seen shooting during work hours in his mayoral office. (

While reviewing the City of Toronto Policy on Use of City Resources* during an election, it seems to me that his campaign video violates at least B1, B2 and B3. However, since he was granted a permit to campaign in a public park in direct violation of B4, I highly doubt that he will face any sort of retribution for his continual rule-breaking for his latest offense.

If by chance he is found guilty, I assume that the punishment will be for him to sputter out an insincere apology and move on. I am only sending this email due to the principle of the matter, and not because I have any faith that Mayor (in name only) Rob Ford will face any consequences for his blatant disregard to the rules of the City. I continue to be ashamed to call myself a Torontonian.

I am also copying the office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner and attaching a small screen grab of the video where constituents phone numbers are on display for all to see. Please note that if you watch the video in full screen mode that the numbers are much more visible than in this low-res picture. There are reports on Twitter by a Toronto Star reporter that one of the numbers belongs to a 15y/o minor who did not authorize their number to be used.



* Of Toro.../Use of City Resources during an Election.pdf
Enough complaints can get stuff taken down -- I've seen it happen with some pretty mild videos. Squeaky wheels and all that. The point isn't so much what's in the video but that multiple people complain about it.
But wouldn't that play into the victim narrative the Fords like to use? I can see the headline now: "See the video YouTube doesn't want you to see!"
The video clearly shows phone numbers of those who called. This is a breach of the Privacy Act. To contact the IPC, including the Commissioner, please email:

Does anyone know the name of the company or organization that created the video? If I recall correctly, a young man from a company in Kingston Ontario claimed credit on twitter, but my memory is not perfect (are you perfect?) and I'm not sure (I could easily be mixing this up with something else).

But wouldn't that play into the victim narrative the Fords like to use? I can see the headline now: "See the video YouTube doesn't want you to see!"
Could be

But it would be great for people to follow a link to see "Video removed" or whatever the notification is :)

I had posted the tweet just to show how people are responding and taken action
Uh, there are probably a million videos on YouTube that feature people breaking the law. I highly doubt that YouTube gives a crap that Rob Ford is speaking in a room where he shouldn't have.
you're right, who cares about an election by-law but I think the breach of privacy issue has more teeth.
But wouldn't that play into the victim narrative the Fords like to use? I can see the headline now: "See the video YouTube doesn't want you to see!"
oh come on... :rolleyes:
But wouldn't that play into the victim narrative the Fords like to use? I can see the headline now: "See the video YouTube doesn't want you to see!"

That wouldn't matter as the only people who might be receptive to such an argument are his core-supporters. Everybody else has now tuned 'the victim card' out as he has gone to that well too many times - boy who cried wolf and all.
I like how in the video Rob's computer isn't even turned on (the monitor's only value appears to be as a bulletin board for photos of dad). He's also working from a paper sheet, which is apropos for a guy who complained about "too much photocopying" at city hall.
The media keeps referring to "Singing Jimmy" as a "veteran", based (one assumes) on his ransacking of an army surplus store for a totally bitchin' Halloween costume. No (sane) veteran would run around in that monstrosity of an outfit. Does anyone know if actually has any military service?

ETA it's somewhat telling that he doesn't have any medals on his getup - those are slightly harder to acquire second hand.
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