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OK -- here's my proposal for a UT Ice Bucket-ish challenge...

I'm a 905-er. Can't vote in this election and don't have a horse in the race. I'm not affiliated with any of the candidates anywhere.

But I can be outraged by the tactics used and the lack of common decency and civility displayed by the FoFam to the electoral process and throughout the past few years. The sense of entitlement completely galls me.

So tonight I donated $100 to Andray Domise to help rid a city I love of a terrible affliction. I'll get $75 back on my investment (a tactic the "affliction" is all too familiar with) so it's really just a small contribution and fronting some dollars for a few weeks. I'd lend a friend the same if they asked.

Doug is toast. Mikey can be dealt with when the time comes. Rob needs to be dealt with now.

My challenge: any progressive minded UT-er who can afford to make the same commitment -- please do so. We talk a lot here, but we now have the opportunity for direct action. Let's give Andray the tools he needs to slay this dragon once and for all.

No disclaimer needed: the Domise campaign has never heard of me before and won't after this. I just need to feel like I took a stand and put my money where my mouth is during one of the craziest, most critical times in TO politics.

Quick and easy link:

Thanks for your time and consideration.

Great idea - I used to live in Toronto (North York), and I've been lamenting the fact that I can't vote against Rob Ford. I just donated $100 to Andray's campaign, too.
But to what end? If this is a created diversion for Rob to drop out of the mayor's race and register for councillor, why create all the hype to begin with, necessitating Doug to take attention away from Rob, why not just quietly give any old lame excuse for Rob to drop to councillor that Ford Nation would buy, and do it?

I know tone is hard to read online, and I'm not saying this confrontationally at all, just seeing if there is a reason I haven't thought of!

The hype was necessary because Rob needed a respectable reason to drop out of the mayoral race. The truth or a lame excuse wouldn't fly. My guess is Rob has been struggling to pretend he's on the wagon and that FoFam wasn't sure he'd make it without further incident. Time to play the trump card.
Was it me or was it weird that all those people walked out in front of the cameras in Mama Ford's place in Red Carpet wear?
What can those of us south of border do? My wife's Canadian if that helps.

Others can correct me, but I believe contributions need to be from Ontario residents. If you can encourage anyone you know in Ontario to take an interest that will help.
Speechless. Both the D. Ford and Chow numbers are just unbelievable. I'm done for the night and just drinking now.

Good luck, Toronto, you're going to need it. I still miss the way you were in the early 00s.

Sorry - no way Chow supporters went to Doug. Its a Forum Poll - as crooked as possibly be.
Good to see the media is starting to report that the switcheroo plan was talked about in the past, hopefully it'll increase:

Doug Ford, the pugnacious sidekick to Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, is stepping in to fill his ailing brother’s place in the race to be the city’s new leader, a last-minute switch that puts in motion a back-up plan that has long been contemplated, sources with ties to the mayor’s office say.

The idea of Doug Ford stepping in to take his brother’s place has been in the air for some time and those who were once close to the mayor’s office say it was floated more than a year ago when the mayor’s trouble with substance abuse began to take its toll, even before a video surfaced that appeared to show him smoking crack cocaine.
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If this has been planned since May, what are the odds that Donovan can ferret it out somehow?

I also wonder how Doug is tied to Brazen. Is he a target, kept out of the released ITO? Jimmi?

Like VintagePunk, I don't get why Doug is running. There is no way he can win, he has to know that. Deco is sinking, does he even want to win? I can see why Mikey was in, because if Rob won the mayoralty , he's Doug's replacement in the dynasty. But what's Doug's end game? Maybe he is just off the charts narcissisticly delusional?

This is fucked, Daddy.

I'm with VintagePunk. I don't get all the hoopla if the goal was simply to get Rob to safe electoral territory. Let say his tumor was detected months ago. He could easily have disclosed the problem this week, said treatment makes it impossible to continue the mayoral campaign, but he'll be right as rain in a few months and eager to get to work on behalf of Ward 2. Instead, the family was carrying on today like it was a funeral — and Rob is still in hospital. Why would Mt. Sinai keep for so long if his mass was just a big lump of fatty tissue or a sac full of blood?

As for MetroMan's claim to have a family insider say Rob's tumor was discovered in May, well, who would that be? I doubt it would be someone truly in the compact after all the stuff MM has said about Brazen II, Russian mobsters, imminent arrests etc. etc. So, as OSS, said earlier, it points Kathy. Is she credible, assuming she even knows who MM is? Is MM getting first-hand info, or is this pass-along gossip? Is he suggesting Rob doesn't have a serious medical condition?

It's all so vague and confusing. I hope someone is able to pull the threads together — sooner rather than later.

Thank you! I was beginning to question my reasoning abilities. Not saying that I am right, just that there is a lot that doesn't make rational sense.
Who was the woman at the DoFo presser (over his right shoulder) who kept replacing her sunglasses due to "crying"? Where was Kathy (her son was there, as we know, but her daughter was missing). DoFo's girls were all perfectly coiffed.
That's why I asked a while back if Brazen II was a sequel to a Brazen I, or whether it referred to two brazen individuals - if it had been the latter (it wasn't, it was the former), I would then have wondered if the II were Rub and Tug.

I haven't heard anything about cops investigating Doug.
Does anyone know if the numbers from tonight's Forum poll have been weighted, or are we looking at the raw data?
Prim Minister Harper was in town today and still didn't swing by to say hello to either one of these clowns - that should tell you enough.
Andrew Tumilty @AndrewTumilty
Poll shows Doug's numbers higher than expected, on a night he had media to himself and didn't say anything offensive or stupid #TOpoli

His forte to be sure.
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Does anyone know if the numbers from tonight's Forum poll have been weighted, or are we looking at the raw data?

No way its raw data - I say its weighted. Really? They can turn a poll around in 3 hours? They have a hard enough time doing it in a weekend.
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