Great work from everybody on tracking down the info on mom and daughter.
I think the point is a simple one, the Fords are not Jewish (as far as we know), and since Doug has not converted, then any and all bigoted/racist remarks spouted by Doug are just that, the logic of being married to a Jew is immaterial. On the circle-jerk, AKA "The City" on 1010, Doug argued that he could use the term "polock" because of someone Polish in the family (Renata?), he refered to it as a term of endearment. Association does not give you the right to spout bigoted or racist slurs, and tolerance only feeds the ignorance and hate behind those statements.
Another thing that pisses me off in the "anti-racist" label for non-whites spewing racist comments, read a fraking dictionary, racism is not exclusive to "whitey".