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Given the world we live in it is absolutely astounding that CH emergency response is not top of mind. With Toronto as the financial capital of Canada and the largest city, the subject should be very high on the list of concerns for ALL Torontonians. Would you want crackhead MINO or Thug leading the charge? I think not ...

My number one concern has always been the safety of the water supply.

Prior to 9/11 the public was encouraged to tour our "water palaces" to instill confidence. And palaces they were. They are all locked down now.
Ford Hail Mary tricks?

If there are any media bombs coming out, I'm expecting Robbie to try to bump the sympathy vote by getting himself hospitalized. Or by the weekend anyway, if only to force his loving family to congregate in his hospital room to watch the returns.

Still won't be enuf for the Fords to force me to vote for a Harris/Harper Tory.

Speaking of Rob getting hospitalized, I was editing an article on the flu and chemo today. With the start of flu season he should really be staying home. The flu could seriously mess with his treatment.
With my Toronto-centric state of mind I thought if this were to happen in Canada it would happen here. Now my wife is insisting we move to a small town...seriously

More people have been married to Kim Kardashian than have been killed in terrorist attacks in Canada this year.
I wonder if the Fords have any Hail Mary tricks left up their sleeves.

If there's any media bombs about to drop I expect Robbie to get himself re-hospitalized to bump up the sympathy vote. Or at least by the weekend, to force his loving family to join him in his hospital room to watch the returns.
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If there's any media bombs about to drop I expect Robbie to get himself re-hospitalized to bump up the sympathy vote. Or at least by the weekend, to force his loving family to join him in his hospital room to watch the returns.

Not like the big C did his brother's number any good - I think he haven't got a prayer of hope. They say we wanted a "redemption story" - I have a feeling what we're really after is a kick the alien butt out of the universe one instead.

With my Toronto-centric state of mind I thought if this were to happen in Canada it would happen here. Now my wife is insisting we move to a small town...seriously

I don't think a move will make you any safer, Jimmi. I lived in Yellowknife for several years before moving to Toronto. I can tell you the Giant Mine murders were not a fun time. I doubt the folks in Mayerthorpe, Alta., have found memories of the murder of four Mounties, either. I could go on. Bottom line: Crazy stuff happens everywhere. (Besides, we need you here.)
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OT but VERY SERIOUSLY shooting situation ongoing at Parliament Hill after shooting of soldier at the memorial. Terrorism seems to have well and truly arrived in Canada ��

No one knows if it's actual terrorism. There could be any number of things going on with the shooters. Maybe they're just nutjobs.
Speaking of Rob getting hospitalized, I was editing an article on the flu and chemo today. With the start of flu season he should really be staying home. The flu could seriously mess with his treatment.

Could you post a link to the story if it goes up online? I'd like to read it.
No one knows if it's actual terrorism. There could be any number of things going on with the shooters. Maybe they're just nutjobs.

Very true. Shootings aren't unheard of in Ottawa. Happened at OCTranspo a few years back, and the Parliament Buildings are a conspicuous target for anyone with a murderous axe to grind.
No one knows if it's actual terrorism. There could be any number of things going on with the shooters. Maybe they're just nutjobs.

While you are correct, terrorists I think can be called nut jobs. That said, it's either terrorism or a huge coincidence of recent attacks aimed at our military personnel. I for one believe little in coincidences. I will view it as terrorism until proven otherwise. It seems our provincials governments are also treating it as potential terrorism and NORAD has been engaged. Better safe than sorry.
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Has anyone asked the candidates what they'd look for in a new Chief of Police, given our security concerns. To have one or both Fords in on the decision is truly, truly horrifying.
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