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If Rob resigns ( or passes away) from Ward 2, I wonder who Mamma Ford is going to tap as the replacement? Randy or one of the K___a ladies? Who knows Doug might be back, but I cannot see it not being someone from that political dynasty.
If Rob resigns ( or passes away) from Ward 2, I wonder who Mamma Ford is going to tap as the replacement? Randy or one of the K___a ladies? Who knows Doug might be back, but I cannot see it not being someone from that political dynasty.

Doug is done at the municipal level. His next moves are 1) PCPO leader, 2) found a neocon splinter party or 3) Chicago.

Can't see any Ward 2 scenario that doesn't end with lil Mikey running in the next byelection or 2018.
If Rob resigns ( or passes away) from Ward 2, I wonder who Mamma Ford is going to tap as the replacement? Randy or one of the K___a ladies? Who knows Doug might be back, but I cannot see it not being someone from that political dynasty.

Ma Ford aside, I think the clan is just too patriarchal to allow Karla or any of the girls to enter politics. Remember when Doug said one of the girls had received threatening messages? They're probably not interested anyway - same with Karla.

Randy is probably too much of a liability, even by Doug's standards.
And the city will be stuck footing the bill for another by-election in Ward 2 sooner rather than later.

Four days after the election, this is the thing that I'm having the hardest time comprehending. That the majority of voters in Ward 2 would choose a man who, despite his previous record, is so seriously ill. (And as we are probably learning, is likely not long for this world). Add to that, VTB's encounter with a professional couple who believed all the DoFo spew unquestioningly. I'm really struggling to come to terms with this - are people generally so under-informed and dis-interested as to not think of consequences to even the smallest degree? Did 59% of Ward 2 voters believe that Rob would magically get better?

And I bet you a dime to a Steak Queen sandwich that the Fords knew all along that Rob's chances were worse than they told the public. So Michael was a placeholder for Rob, and Rob was a placeholder for ... Michael? Who now has some cred, having won an election for trustee. Canvassing Ward 2, I met nice people. I wonder if the Ford love surpasseth all understanding that they've been duped, again.

Finally - how much will the inevitable by-election cost the honest hard-working taxpayers of this great city?
Doug is done at the municipal level. His next moves are 1) PCPO leader, 2) found a neocon splinter party or 3) Chicago.

Can't see any Ward 2 scenario that doesn't end with lil Mikey running in the next byelection or 2018.

Number #1 is not impossible, but IMO that may mean implosion or further splintering of OPC, which despite some people's glee at the thought. I think one less party is not good for democracy in general. I'm hoping the OPC will tell Doug in no uncertain terms, to go pound sand.

Number #2 is not impossible either, I almost want to see it so Doug can burn through nearly all of Deco's fortunes, though that may be tempting fate with a hard edged, Ontario "Alliance RayyyFORM" style party. Then again it might be worth the temptation if it means Doug will arrive in a jetski for a presser in Lake Ontario.

Number #3 is my personal favourite, with apologies to our American neighbours for foisting this human boil on your country. But so far every time Doug threatens to leave for Chicago, he doesn't. We can't miss him, if he never leaves.
Number #1 is not impossible, but IMO that may mean implosion or further splintering of OPC, which despite some people's glee at the thought. I think one less party is not good for democracy in general. I'm hoping the OPC will tell Doug in no uncertain terms, to go pound sand

Andrew Young made an interesting point on Twitter. There are people who will vote Conservative no matter what. Combine that with the map of the vote split, where we saw Doug Ford take 33% of the Toronto wards against sensible, seasoned choices like John Tory or Olivia Chow. All of a sudden, Doug isn't so horribly unpalatable.

Obviously he is a terrible person, but he should not be counted out just yet.
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Lots of gloom and doom this Halloween about Rob's prognosis, but I bet he's already plotting his 2018 comeback. With extreme prejudice. That sort of thinking is what keeps many sick people from throwing in the towel.

I believe he said he was given a 50-50 chance. That always means bad luck for the other guy.

I don't know if they still do it, but do doctors still tell their patients, "What is hopeless today, might be curable on Wednesday." ?

Or, was that just in the movies?
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Re: Doug seeking the coronation of an OPC leadership bestowed on his ever so humble and folksy head. Fobros to me ran on a variation of country mouse vs city mouse, suburb blue collar real folks vs downtown urban core white collar elitist. With Rob and Doug playing the role of champeen and voice of the suburbs. Well that's the myth that they peddled at least.

When it comes to provincial level, I'm not convinced that Doug has it in the bag with the promise of Ford brand bringing the TO vote, while automatically winning over rural Ontarians. Yeah yeah, Randy Hillier stereotypes aside, Doug IMO is not an easy sell as a country mouse. In the larger context of a provincial stage, to me Doug comes across way more as a city slicker mouse, one who thinks he's the smartest rat in any room. If the OPC thought Hudak was a hard sell to people last time. They might be in for a nasty surprise if they seriously consider Doug as der Leader.

Good points all, Scarb. The OPCO faces challenges if it goes with Doug. First up, it doesn't want to make the mistake the conservative backroom establishment made with Rob, ie. believing that the crazy can be contained while everyone does the heavy lifting. Second, as you note, there's no guarantee Doug's style will translate beyond Toronoto's borders. Voters have already been treated to four years of lunacy, so it could be an uphill battle. Lastly, if Rob dies in the next year of two, how much wind would be left in Doug's political sails, especially in Toronto? I think many voters supported Doug as proxy for his younger brother. If Rob is no longer around, he'll have less mojo to channel, after a suitable mourning period. As a solo act, I suspect Doug's Toronto support will diminish if he has to wait a couple of years for an election.

Good to see, as "Joe Warmington" would say that his "pneumonia" is not keeping him down. The between-the-lines implication of Wormy's "article" is that he got sick from exerting himself on the campaign trail. I would really look dim if I asked "Does this guy learn anything??" but I really do wonder sometimes.

Just stay home and take care of yourself! Spend time with your cute son and foul-mouthed daughter! The city does not need you anymore and if it did it could call you on the phone, man.

(Thanks to those on previous pages who instituted the practice of using Warmington-style "quote." The way he "uses" "quotes" he got from "talking" to his "sources" always drives me crazy. It's not the worst of his "habits," but it's up there.)
Ma Ford aside, I think the clan is just too patriarchal to allow Karla or any of the girls to enter politics. Remember when Doug said one of the girls had received threatening messages? They're probably not interested anyway - same with Karla.

Randy is probably too much of a liability, even by Doug's standards.

I think that Mamma Ford's drive to have a political dynasty will trump the above issues and we will see another Ford running. I woudl agree that it would probably be a male. I think that it will be Doug, regardless of what he has said.
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