Active Member
Well how about that, the Leafs beat the Bolts. So much for the Ford curse...
Was he wearing a jersey?
Well how about that, the Leafs beat the Bolts. So much for the Ford curse...
NEWSTALK1010 @newstalk1010
Councillor Rob Ford says he'll find out Thursday the results of MRI and CAT scan of tumour in his abdomen #TOpoli
Act like an ass today, ditch your job like it's high school... but look over here, news about my cancer, nothing else matters!
Don Peat @reporterdonpeat 14m14 minutes ago
March 2013: Rob Ford was at a photo-op for the Toronto-York Spadina subway extension http://ow.ly/L4EiH #TOpoli
"But I didn't know!"
I wish people wouldn't put cancer in quotation marks when talking about Rob Ford, or claim it's faked. It makes you look like the sort of swivel-eyed loons that go on about 9/11 being an inside job, or similar. Please stay rational and keep up the heat on the Fords.
OK, we don't trust anything RoFo says, but when world-renowned cancer specialists say he has cancer and treat him for it, he has cancer. Stop with the ridiculous conspiracy theories and stay on track, people.
Don Peat @reporterdonpeat 52s53 seconds ago
Rob Ford arrives in the council chamber. Waves at school kids in public gallery #TOpoli
I wish people wouldn't put cancer in quotation marks when talking about Rob Ford, or claim it's faked. It makes you look like the sort of swivel-eyed loons that go on about 9/11 being an inside job, or similar. Please stay rational and keep up the heat on the Fords.
OK, we don't trust anything RoFo says, but when world-renowned cancer specialists say he has cancer and treat him for it, he has cancer. Stop with the ridiculous conspiracy theories and stay on track, people.
This needed to be mentioned because?
Agreed, there's no doubt he has cancer.
And Rob is back in council today, busy handing out business cards to a few school kids in the gallery...