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Now willing to budge on price

From Friday's Globe and Mail
May 1, 2009 at 12:00 AM EDT

The new reality is sinking in: Home values are down about 10 per cent in the Toronto area, and asking prices will have to reflect that. Yes, it's a buyer's market.

Steve Newberry never dreamed it would come to this: When house hunters want to tour his three-bedroom home in Toronto's Beaches area, the account executive packs his Labrador retriever, the coffee maker and the kitchen canisters into his car and heads out for a long drive.

Mr. Newberry is adhering closely to the modern-day real estate industry maxims: The dog must be absent, and the kitchen must be free of all signs of human occupation for the showings. "There I am, driving around with the kitchen utensils," he says.

Mr. Newberry vows to keep up his unorthodox routine for as long as it takes to sell the house on Victoria Park Avenue near Queen Street East. He gained a new appreciation for the effort required to attract buyers after the home belonging to him and his partner, Paul DeRose, sat on the market last fall for two months without a single showing and no offers.

While his decision to list in mid-October — soon after the downfall of Lehman Brothers and stock market crash — was exceptionally bad timing, Mr. Newberry says that, with hindsight, there were a lot of things he could have done differently.

Now, in the rebounding spring market, Mr. Newberry and Mr. DeRose have put the 12-year-old house back on the market after cutting the asking price, hiring a new agent, rearranging the furniture and clearing out car loads of belongings deemed undesirable by a home stager.

He's one of many sellers who are bowing to a new reality, real estate agents say, as homeowners concede that buyers have the upper hand.

The house was put back on the market last week with an asking price of $824,000, down from $989,900 last fall.

That's still near the upper end of the range suggested by their newly hired agents, Rick and Rochelle DeClute of Re/Max Hallmark Realty Ltd., who favoured a price closer to $799,000.

"He wanted to reach a little bit more and we're comfortable with that," says Ms. DeClute, who adds that the house is newer than most in the area. "People are happy to have straight walls and closet space."

Mr. Newberry said he and Mr. DeRose decided to hire the DeClutes because they seem to specialize more particularly in the Beaches neighbourhood than their previous agent did.

Ms. DeClute says the team is a three-generation family business and therefore more familiar with the housing stock.

"We'll take Gerry, our father, to see a house and he'll say 'Oh, I've sold that three times before.'"

They were also more realistic about the price, Mr. Newberry believes, than some agents who just seemed to be trying to flatter him in order to get the listing.

Ms. DeClute says homeowners fought against lowering their asking price in the fall, but now many accept that prices have come down about 10 per cent in the City of Toronto.

"Certainly in the last few months people are a lot more realistic," she says.

She also points out to sellers that any new house they will be shopping for will likely have dropped by the same amount.

Ms. DeClute says her sales team has put a much greater emphasis on home staging since the market headed into a slump last year.

"We've purchased a pick-up truck and we offer it to our clients to take things to storage."

Ms. DeClute says the team also has a storage locker full of furniture and accessories that they lend to clients who need help to stage their home.

Like Mr. Newberry, many clients rebel against the idea, she says, but usually they come around when they realize that other houses in the same price range have gone through the treatment.

In Prince Edward County, near Belleville, Ont., an overheated market has cooled down considerably in the past year, says agent Laurie Gruer of Chestnut Park Real Estate Ltd.

As a result, sellers are more willing to bring their asking price down from those tallied at the peak, he says.

While the market has picked up as usual with the arrival of spring, Mr. Gruer and his partner, Sam Simone, are advising sellers to be extremely conservative in setting a price.

"Unless they'll do it at our price, we won't take the listing," Mr. Gruer says. "I'd like to have 15 or 20 listings that are going to sell."

Mr. Gruer says prices had gotten very rich in the county, which is surrounded by the waters of Lake Ontario. Many buyers were homeowners in Toronto who purchased vacation homes in and around Prince Edward County's vineyards, beaches and historic towns.

Last year, for example, the agents had one listing for $1.395-million. When it didn't sell, Mr. Gruer recommended that the owners cut the price to $1.2-million. In another case, Mr. Gruer represented buyers who paid $730,000 for a house that started out on the market with an asking price of $985,000 2-1/2 years ago.

"People have seen things sitting on the market for two years and, if they really want to sell, they don't want to play that game."

Mr. Gruer says sales in a few parts of the county have also likely been weighed down by planned wind farms in some areas.

In Toronto, Mr. Newberry and Mr. DeRose hope to buy a house with a larger lot and a swimming pool in the west end. But they won't start looking seriously until they have a "sold" sign in front of One Victoria Park Ave.

Mr. Newberry says he feels more confident. The house has had more showings so far than it did all of the previous time it was on the market.

"It's really going to happen this time," he says. "Last time it didn't feel real."
Prices have been lower for months. Not only have sales of high-priced places slowed, prices on lower priced places have dropped as well. Just looking at the "Sold" sections of various newspapers in the last few months will tell us this, as does the Toronto Real Estate Board's own statistics.

ie. While more sellers have accepted this now in May, this is not really a new thing.
Apparently the Spring bounce is running out of steam...according to an agent I know.

New to real estate. Could you explain more?

I've been looking around for lower priced units, and they seem to be moving pretty quickly. Of course, the best-priced units go very quickly. I don't know how it is usually like at this time, but there still is not a lot of stock to pick from as a potential buyer (maybe I'm just too picky, though).
New to real estate. Could you explain more?

I've been looking around for lower priced units, and they seem to be moving pretty quickly. Of course, the best-priced units go very quickly. I don't know how it is usually like at this time, but there still is not a lot of stock to pick from as a potential buyer (maybe I'm just too picky, though).

I found the same thing happening.. Many sellers who don't have to sell, are deciding not to sell, after watching all the doom and gloom in the news. In the first time home buyer market (up to $400k), homes and condos are moving fast.
New to real estate. Could you explain more?

I've been looking around for lower priced units, and they seem to be moving pretty quickly. Of course, the best-priced units go very quickly. I don't know how it is usually like at this time, but there still is not a lot of stock to pick from as a potential buyer (maybe I'm just too picky, though).
Same here, there's really no stock to pick from if you're looking under $275K. Sellers are holding onto their properties and just renting them out now.

Although rates are great, you better be looking over $300K or else you're SOL. At least where downtown is concerned.
No stock or just less stock?

My recollection was that for a while there may have been an oversupply, but now the market may be getting more balanced (with numbers of listings significantly below peak levels), esp. when you consider the new builds also coming onto the market.

If so, that might not be good for those looking for bargain basement deals, but for the market as a whole it may be a reasonably healthy thing.
No stock or just less stock?

My recollection was that for a while there may have been an oversupply, but now the market may be getting more balanced (with numbers of listings significantly below peak levels), esp. when you consider the new builds also coming onto the market.

If so, that might not be good for those looking for bargain basement deals, but for the market as a whole it may be a reasonably healthy thing.
I was exagerating a bit, I meant less stock... there's far less sub $275K suites nowadays than several months ago (January & Feb). Prices don't seem to be dropping much either. I don't think we'll be seeing the bargain basement prices people thought we would. I don't think that's a bad thing though.
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Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if prices to continue to decline a bit. For this reason I think it's quite risky for small time short term real estate speculators to get into the market.

OTOH, given the rock bottom interest rates, I think it's fine for people who want to get a place to live in for the longer term, especially if they can afford 20% down with a 25-year amortization period.
I'm actually surprised by the amount of activity, meaning the spring market is stronger than I anticipated. This may be a false perception because the timing of this spring market and my peers becoming first-time homebuyers coincides. Unfortunately for the market in general, demographically speaking there have virtually never been less 25-35 year olds as a percentage of the Ontario population.
I'm actually surprised by the amount of activity, meaning the spring market is stronger than I anticipated. This may be a false perception because the timing of this spring market and my peers becoming first-time homebuyers coincides. Unfortunately for the market in general, demographically speaking there have virtually never been less 25-35 year olds as a percentage of the Ontario population.

I guess it all depends on perspective and expectations. I'm definitely finding it more difficult than I thought it would be to buy a place, but I think things are looking better after I clarified (i.e. sacrificed on) some points and bumped up my budget a bit.

Some sellers are lamenting that they cannot get the price they want, so I guess we are even.
