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Was 9/11 an inside job?

  • Yes

    Votes: 46 33.8%
  • No

    Votes: 90 66.2%

  • Total voters
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^^Interesting episode.
If i wasn't 100% sure that this was an inside job i wouldn't be posting like this. Watch the whole video and see what you think.
Obviously not. I've watched many movies like that (every single one after the first against my will,) and they all end in the same thing: all non-believers are idiots, and the new world government wants to do completely illogical things... because they're evil I guess?

You see, there's an interesting thing about these conspiracy theories.
I'll just put an example up here. So a community spots what they think is a flying saucer spinning up over their city. Being the gullible americans quick to come to whacky conclusions (no offense to any americans, of course,) they are, they suddenly jump on the idea that the air force was doing secret military testing with alien technology! However, the air force says it was just a weather balloon. Now, it's not just alien technology testing, it's a government cover up!
The irony here is that it was just a weather balloon. I mean, if every UFO sighting was a UFO and not a weather balloon, there'd be no space for real weather balloons to be launched. Perhaps you could say that the weather networks and hurricane researchers are in on this too and are just randomly making up data, but then, how far does it go? Is the entire world in on this conspiracy then, except the ten (totally sane, of course,) people that know the real truth! ?

EDIT: Actually, I'd love to see a government official who gets confronted with the whole "it's a conzpirazy!" thing and says, "Yes, in fact, we were doing some tests with the model 536's that day. Sorry for the disruption everyone!" :D

I could honestly see the benefits in the government being in on 9/11. The points about the FBI or whatever drilling into the support structure so they could lay explosive and all that are really quite absurd though. I believe that, like they say with the christmas bombings, they had the information but did not act on it. It was probably just a lottery win on Bush's part, and so when it happened, he just said "let's not go through with it and advance our agenda further."
The biggest logical flaw that needs to be addressed here is this: why would they spend months upon months of meticulously destroying the structure, when they could have just crashed into it in the first place? If you're going to say that it's because the towers could have withstood two planes crashing into them, I'll ask you to get a degree in physics before making those assertions. And even if they couldn't bring them down, the planes could have just been conveniently carrying a bunch of nitro (for pharmaceutical purposes, I assume,) couldn't they?

So back on my point, what exactly would these secret world governments have to gain by doing something like global warming? You do realize that it would require a bunch of people (mostly americans, once again,) to switch to low carbon lifestyles when they're perfectly comfortable doing nothing, right? Why would the government want to have to do all that work and spend that money to accomplish pretty much nothing (except, you know, saving the world and all.)

Answer these without any theorizing or GOVERMENT CONSPIRASY GIZE!!!, and you can pass on to the next test of not being a crazy conspiracist and a person who can actually have a valued disagreeing opinion.
Anyone who really wants to is open to try, actually. I was aiming it at Kamiux, but I think that this thread is really dead from a serious discussion standpoint, so it doesn't really matter who takes a shot at playing the conspiracy game. I mean, valued disagreeing opinions ;)
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Here's an interesting article analyzing the black boxes found from AA-77 at the Pentagon: No cockpit doors were ever opened during the flight--what does that mean?:D

"Pilots for 9/11 Truth has reported that the data stream from the flight data recorder (FDR) for American Airlines flight 77, which allegedly struck the Pentagon on 9/11, shows that the cockpit door never opened during the entire 90 minute flight. The data was provided by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), which has refused to comment."
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Of course 9/11 was a hoax.

And while I'm at it, so was the moon landing. And Elvis is still alive. And evolution is a myth. And my tinfoil hat prevents the government from stealing my thoughts.
From Urban Dreamer's article

They may have also felt secure, that regardless of what damning revelations were contained in the FDR data, no mainstream media outlet would give them ink or air time, keeping the official story intact for the vast majority of Americans who receive their news from mainstream sources.

Wonderful "journalism", taking wild guesses as to peoples motives on actions which may, or may not have happened. This is a perfect example of the kind of dough-headed thinking that goes on in the minds of conspiracy believers.

Pilots for 9/11 Truth? Clearly, these people already know the answers they're going to get before they go investigating anything.
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Obviously not. I've watched many movies like that (every single one after the first against my will,) and they all end in the same thing: all non-believers are idiots, and the new world government wants to do completely illogical things... because they're evil I guess?

I'll say this again please.. don't underestimate how corrupt the people behind the government can be. i'm not asking people to believe me or watch videos and believe them. Instead.. why not try to be open minded and consider that they may be trying to take our freedoms? not to believe it.. but to be open minded and consider that it's possible? Instead of rejecting it completely for narrow minded "oh it's not possible" "it's absurd" reasons?

You see, there's an interesting thing about these conspiracy theories.
I'll just put an example up here. So a community spots what they think is a flying saucer spinning up over their city. Being the gullible americans quick to come to whacky conclusions (no offense to any americans, of course,) they are, they suddenly jump on the idea that the air force was doing secret military testing with alien technology! However, the air force says it was just a weather balloon. Now, it's not just alien technology testing, it's a government cover up!
The irony here is that it was just a weather balloon.

So in this situation the air force being the government.. how do we know whether or not it's really just a weather balloon? In the real situation the government has been caught covering things and lying.. So by saying the irony here is that it was just a weather balloon.. Well what if there's tons of evidence suggesting it's not a weather balloon? Like there is in the REAL situation.

EDIT: Actually, I'd love to see a government official who gets confronted with the whole "it's a conzpirazy!" thing and says, "Yes, in fact, we were doing some tests with the model 536's that day. Sorry for the disruption everyone!"

Yes.. if the government actually came out and discussed it and explained in that would be great.. But the government ALWAYS refuses to discuss it so.. that'l never happen unless they actually have an explanation for something. So why not be open minded and AGAIN not believe but consider it and considering that the government refuses to discuss things or do further investigations etc..Why not consider that they may be corrupt instead of STILL rejected us "Conspiracy Theorists" because these are more then just theories obviously.

I could honestly see the benefits in the government being in on 9/11. The points about the FBI or whatever drilling into the support structure so they could lay explosive and all that are really quite absurd though. I believe that, like they say with the christmas bombings, they had the information but did not act on it. It was probably just a lottery win on Bush's part, and so when it happened, he just said "let's not go through with it and advance our agenda further."
The biggest logical flaw that needs to be addressed here is this: why would they spend months upon months of meticulously destroying the structure, when they could have just crashed into it in the first place? If you're going to say that it's because the towers could have withstood two planes crashing into them, I'll ask you to get a degree in physics before making those assertions. And even if they couldn't bring them down, the planes could have just been conveniently carrying a bunch of nitro (for pharmaceutical purposes, I assume,) couldn't they?

Good points and it does seem absurd but it could just as easily be done. The towers were designed to withstand an attack like that. As much as i cannot prove that the towers would not have fallen is as much as you cannot prove that the towers would have. so you should still be skeptical about it.. please?

So back on my point, what exactly would these secret world governments have to gain by doing something like global warming? You do realize that it would require a bunch of people (mostly americans, once again,) to switch to low carbon lifestyles when they're perfectly comfortable doing nothing, right? Why would the government want to have to do all that work and spend that money to accomplish pretty much nothing (except, you know, saving the world and all.)

Control. it's all about justifying there need to control you and secondly TAXES of course that's money and a way of stealing from you and making the people more dependent on them.

Please be open minded that's all i ask.. Can you at least agree that you can't trust the government anymore then you can trust us "theorists"?
If i wasn't 100% sure that this was an inside job i wouldn't be posting like this. Watch the whole video and see what you think.

If you are 100% sure, please provide the evidence. You know, the stuff that provides clear proof for the actions of people, shows exactly what they did and how they did it. Also, a list of everyone involved and their specific motives would be nice. Sources of evidence would also be good (so they can be verified, examined and so on).

There is a difference between believing in something and having actual verifiable proof that can examined and tested.
If you are 100% sure, please provide the evidence. You know, the stuff that provides clear proof for the actions of people, shows exactly what they did and how they did it. Also, a list of everyone involved and their specific motives would be nice. Sources of evidence would also be good (so they can be verified, examined and so on).

There is a difference between believing in something and having actual verifiable proof that can examined and tested.

Hear hear! I like this post.
The more I think about it rationally, the less I think the US gov't was behind it.

However, one thing that really, really bugs me is... why haven't we seen footage of the Pentagon crash?
I'm sure the surveillance cameras cover every square foot of that building several times over, not to mention the surrounding area and air space. So it seems obviously fishy that the gov't only released an edited video that could be anything crashing into the wall. There's no security reason not to show it... There's a huge benefit to having a large group of conspiracy nuts in your population and I'm sure the gov't is cashing in on that fact by conveniently not disclosing all they could.
A more logical viewpoint would be one that believes the US gov't has gone out of its way to keep lots of information secret and hidden - like why they didn't question Bin Laden's family properly immediately following the disaster - but it has no basis for making anyone believe the US Gov't created the entire 9/11 disaster.

The one question I wished someone would answer is how the 3rd tower fell many hours after the main WTC buildings collapsed. That is a question that is most dubious to answer as I can understand how the WTC could collapse given how powerful the plane crash was.
I just watched this long video, "Core of Corruption" which I found quite good--it uses actual media reports from that day combined with interviews with legit Americans to reveal some interesting stuff...that if true, could make life interesting for the Washington DC insiders.
The only reason these questions are useful is because the responses tell us a great deal about the mental functioning of the respondent. Anyone who thinks 9/11 was an inside job is either borderline retarded, paranoid, or simply a lazy or disorganized thinker. You'll never persuade them otherwise, but that's not the point - at least you know who you are dealing with.

I could demolish any conspiracy theories you choose to raise. For example, the "mysterious" collapse of building 7 which was "otherwise undamaged". Fact was the entire back side of the building was gravely damaged and on fire for many hours etc...

In fact, if I'm doing any further hires i think I will pose these questions.
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