The park is partially opened.







I just hope that said 40-story structures don't end up being more "towers in the park" because that is the precedent set by most of what has been built in this area so far.

Unfortunately, that is the precedent set along Burnhamthorpe with that linear park along the street.
Dec 01
There is a large area at Sq One Dr and LAC that is still to be built.

Most of the area is fence off.

Concrete has been pour at the south entrance and should be open next week.



Been there several times, it's a very nice campus. A lot of great study areas.

Chris Clay | Dec 01, 2011 - 8:41 AM
It's official: Sheridan opens

There was a festive atmosphere last night at Sheridan College that had nothing to do with the holiday season.
Scores of people, including politicians from all levels of government, were in Mississauga to celebrate the official opening of the college's Hazel McCallion Campus. People schmoozed, ate and drank while Sheridan president and CEO Dr. Jeff Zabudsky spoke about the success the college has experienced since it opened its doors to 1,000 full-time students in September.
Zabudsky highlighted the campus' LEED Gold environmental certification standards, calling it a rarity for post-secondary institutions. He pointed to the campus' 33 state-of-the-art classrooms and learning spaces including the collaboratory, a room that allows faculty to use new technologies in the teaching process.
That's not all the 155,000-sq.-ft. facility has to offer, said Zabudsky. There's Scholar's Green, a public park attached to the campus, wireless connectivity as well as installations of artwork around the campus created by students.
"As you discover the many things Hazel McCallion Campus has to offer, I think you will find it was worth the wait," said Zabudsky.
The college, which offers a range of programs in accounting, finance, human resources, marketing, banking, and wealth management, among others, has capacity for 1,760 full-time students. Another 350 have already enrolled and will be starting classes this January.
The second phase of the campus is ready to move forward with the Ontario government announcing this summer it was contributing $60 million to expand the campus and increase its capacity to handle an additional 3,500 students.
Mayor Hazel McCallion, who was joined by a number of her Council colleagues at the event, said she wanted to see more post-secondary institutions come to the city core. Having something named in her honour is nothing new for the mayor, but she seemed genuinely moved to have the campus bear her name.
"I can't think of a more important facility to be named after me then a college campus," said McCallion, who added she never had the opportunity to pursue post-secondary education.
The mayor said she looked forward to the continued injection of energy the students bring to the City Centre while adding she was eager to see the second phase of construction begin.
The college's student union president Monique Pereira thanked those in attendance, from government officials to donors, for their help in seeing the college come to Mississauga.
"By investing in Sheridan, you're investing of in the future of the bright individuals (who study here)," said Pereira. "I'm sure every student would agree with me when I say Sheridan provides the best education."
The college also provides post-graduate business programs in human resources, marketing management, project management and financial planning. It also offers language training and employment programs geared to newcomers.
The evening culminated with a cutting of a ribbon, signifying the campus' official opening.
Sounds like construction on phase two will be starting most likely in the spring.
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^Yes indeed. The updated renders should be coming out shortly as well.

Motion detectors trigger projectors to cast coloured lights on to the chandelier which is suppose to mimic the Northern Lights - cool I say...

They are not active as of yet.

Agreed. I still think the building is a dog's breakfast, but it looks to have some very nice interior spaces, and the grounds appear to have turned out very well indeed.

I was actually just referring to the park area because that's really the only new thing in the picture, the building itself looks the same as it has for a few months now.
I think it looks cool, and will only look better as the trees mature.

It is an interesting park. Curiously, I don't see any park benches.

It will be interesting to see how well the grass will grow. There are so many criss-crossing sidewalks, I wonder how many people will stay on the paths, or create their own!
It is an interesting park. Curiously, I don't see any park benches.

It will be interesting to see how well the grass will grow. There are so many criss-crossing sidewalks, I wonder how many people will stay on the paths, or create their own!

They remind me of the crisscrossing pathways in between Sir Dan's and UC at St. George. Somehow the grass manages to grow there, with less paths than here. Having the paths is good because it gives people lots of options for walking so you don't have to walk on the grass.,-79.396812&spn=0.001096,0.0021&t=k&z=19
Does tagging take place in MCC ... I'd imagine not and that's a good thing !
