From this morning's PIC in Weston, it seemed pretty clear that ST is pretty much a purchased GO service where the City contracts for added GO trains, which make added stops at stations the City has paid for, and subsidises the fare to "align" (I'm avoiding the I-word) it to TTC expectations.
Narrowing to Options C and D appears to be the City's way of declining to invest in added track capacity beyond what RER has left over once it has 15-minute 2-way service installed. It isn't clear what the upper limit on train frequency can be, the assumption for the moment seems to be a combined 7.5 minute headway. I wonder how they intend to split the headway when ridership builds and GO needs more slots than every 15 minutes.
My sense was, the planners from the City, TTC, and ML have a pretty good mutual understanding of how to make this work, and they are working within the terms of reference that Council has already blessed. If there are areas of dispute or "harder" negotiations eg around who pays for what, they are keeping this in the back room. I would predict that no one in authority will stand up and say "This isn't what I asked for". So, as someone wisely suggested in another thread - while we all have our fantasy plans, this is the one that's on paper.
One issue that was raised by several people appeared to be whether the GO based service should terminate at Mount Dennis versus serving further west as well. The gist of the response: since Council didn't ask for this, it hasn't been explored.....but is technically feasible. That puts the ball back on the political side - if there was pressure from Council, it might happen. (Considering the usual platform of some Council members from the Northwest, I'm not placing bets)
Key dates promised are a draft report back to Council, to be posted publicly by June 14, and a further Public Meeting at City Hall on June 21, followed by tabling at Executive Committee and Council. It's starting to feel like a real thing, even if it's just a GO train.
- Paul