November 19 2009 update

My Photobucket account's monthly bandwidth limit has been exceeded
Below links to the full size images will be functional on the 21st :eek: ... my apologies

Solaris 1 @ 8th floor
Click to Enlarge*

Solaris 2 @ 6th floor

First spandrel panels & windows are installed - colours are similar to the "360 @ SCC" project as noted by TWM
Solaris- November 10 Construction Photos

Looking south from the construction office.


Looking southwest from the construction office.

December 3 2009 update

View from Delta's Parking Garage
Click to Enlarge

Solaris 1 (right) @ 10th floor, Solaris 2 (left) @ 7th floor

First Cladding + More Spandrels Installed - facade colour combination feels a little pale/grey thus far, perhaps its a cloudy day? I remain hopeful and will try to reserve my judgement until a larger facade area is finished ~

View from Highway 401
December 8 2009 update

Solaris 1 @ 10th floor
Click to Enlarge

Solaris 2 @ 8th floor

Facade Indent (architectural detail) between the 6th + 7th floor as per scaled model

Solaris 1 poking out of the Podium (viewed from south)

South Elevation of Garage Podium

Combination of Glass + Vents in Garage Window Openings
December 19 2009 update

View from Delta's Parking Garage
Click to Enlarge

Solaris 1 @ 11th floor

Solaris 2 @ 9th floor

Spandrel + Precast Colours - appears to vary with sunlight, on this date it looks silverish-greyish-blue
December 27 2009 update

Solaris 1 @ 11th floor
Click to Enlarge

Solaris 2 @ 9th floor

Southeast + Northeast Elevations

Vision Glass Installed in Garage

Close Ups
January 31 2010 update

My first update on Solaris in 2010 :eek:

Seems like construction speed is different the 2 towers ... one month ago Solaris 1 was @ 11th floor while Solaris 2 was on the 9th floor, checking again this weekend tower 1 was @ 16th floor while tower 2 was only on the 12th floor ... that would translate to Solaris 1 rising 5 floors while Solaris 2 only grew 3 floors in the same time period :confused:

TWM, any suggestions why the 'growth rate' would be different between the two ?? :)

Solaris 1 @ 16th floor
Click to Enlarge

Solaris 2 @ 12th floor

View from Delta's Parking Garage

Spandrels + Windows now visible on Solaris 2

A new angle to capture the whole tower as it rises~
My first update on Solaris in 2010 :eek:

Seems like construction speed is different the 2 towers ... one month ago Solaris 1 was @ 11th floor while Solaris 2 was on the 9th floor, checking again this weekend tower 1 was @ 16th floor while tower 2 was only on the 12th floor ... that would translate to Solaris 1 rising 5 floors while Solaris 2 only grew 3 floors in the same time period :confused:

TWM, any suggestions why the 'growth rate' would be different between the two ?? :)

The pour schedule was sped up on tower 1 so the boom of its crane can clear tower 2.
thanks for the clarification TWM ... much appreciated ~

On another note, is it possible for the webcam to be adjusted slightly to the right such that it captures the entire building of Solaris 1? Further, can the webcam be 'zoomed out' in the future such that the upper part of Solaris can be seen as construction continues upwards ?? :eek: many thanks !!

Solaris 1 @ 17th floor, Solaris 2 @ 13th floor

Tridel Sends Occupancy Notification to Solaris 1 and 2 Purchasers

Tentative occupancy notification sent to all Solaris purchasers by mail and email.

Solaris 1: "Our construction team has now finished pouring concrete on the 15th floor and is progressing at a rate of about 1 floor per week weather permitting. The windows have been installed on the 6th floor and channeling has just started on the ground level. Our next benchmark review of occupancy dates is scheduled to occur once we complete pouring concrete on the top levels of the tower."

Solaris 2: "Our construction team has now finished pouring concrete on the 12th floor and is progressing at a rate of about 1 floor per week weather permitting. The windows have been installed on the 3rd floor and channeling has just started on the ground level. Our next benchmark review of occupancy dates is scheduled to occur once we complete pouring concrete on the top levels of the tower."

Purchasers should check their mail, email or log into Purchasers with questions about their tentative occupancy date or anything concerning their Tridel home should contact the Metrogate Presentation Centre .
received occupancy delay notice as per TWM's post above ... occupancy further pushed back by 2 months ... that would translate to a 3 years and 9 months wait for me from signing to move-in (assuming there no are no additional delays from Tridel)
February 6 2010 update

View from Northeast - Solaris 2 @ 14th floor with the Delta Hotel in the background
Click to Enlarge
February 12, 2010 at 4:40 pm ... healthy growth rate ~ looks like Solaris 1 is beginning to grow beyond the webcam's range and Solaris 2's crane has been jacked ~

TWM ... could UCIT please adjust the cameras ? :)

Solaris 1 @ 19th floor, Solaris 2 @ 15th floor

I checked with the marketing manager for Metrogate and UCIT has had a lot of challenges installing the camera with a good view. They were unable to get a camera installed on the Delta property and this is the best that they can get.
February 14 2010 update

thanks for looking into my inquiry TWM ... its very much appreciated ~

from this weekend ... looks like Solaris 1 is @ 19th floor and Solaris 2 is @ 15th floor :)

View from Southeast + Northeast
Click to Enlarge
