March 13 2010 update

good progress being made here ... just past the halfway mark ~

Northwest / Northeast / Southeast Elevations
Click to Enlarge

Solaris 1 @ 24th floor - north / northwest / southwest elevations

Solaris 2 @ 20th floor - northwest / west elevations

Lobby Entrance - look like the bldg on the right has been scaled back ... no more 'entrance court' effect centred on the lobby

The Podium with Commercial Space Fronting Village Green Square

More Spandrel Close Ups

Blank East Wall in the Podium - which should have contained spandrel/windows based on the model :(
I drive by this site regularily on the 401 and I gotta say so far these two towers are turning out to be quite an eyesore. I don't think it's gonna get any better. So sad. Sorry, Solaris.

What's to like here? Am I missing something?
^True, I've seen farm silos that look better, such as:
accordingly ... I disagree with the above comments (call it bias as you may) ... I chose Solaris for its shape & height, a modern structure IMO ... inversely, one can also ask: "what's to like about a typical glass box tower?"

but again, different strokes for different folks ... and heck no UD, no thanks to those silos (note: Solaris is elliptical)
The awful window-wall would look like crap on any shape. The interiors should be nice though.
The awful window-wall would look like crap on any shape.

out of curiosity ... how are Solaris' windows & spandrels any different than any other condo in the GTA?

looks pretty typical to me ~ :)
I have to say I like the way these buildings are progressing. It's a nice change from the typical Toronto box.
out of curiosity ... how are Solaris' windows & spandrels any different than any other condo in the GTA?

looks pretty typical to me ~ :)

Unfortunately the 80% spandrel to the 20% vision look is starting to become commonplace in the GTA. I'm not quite convinced the spandrel is an improvement over what used to be precast and brick.
thanks for the clarification maestro ... I will agree with the comment that too much spandrel is not a good thing

from my perspective, I would characterize Solaris as 50/50 spandrel/vision glass though
I'm starting to wonder how similar these will end up looking to the Ellipse towers at STC. It appears to be a bit of an echo of those in shape and materials used.
Eeeks ... got the below email from Tridel ~

I wonder if the potention trades strike applies to all GTA construction sites? hopefully no further delays will arise

but its nice at least that Tridel is giving a 'heads up' to purchasers before the problem explodes~

Potential Occupancy Delay For your Home

We would like to inform you that there are a number of our unionized trades whose contracts expire this spring. While strikes are not definite, we have been receiving feedback that there are strong possibilities that they could halt construction at your community, which could impact the dates for your home orientation and occupancy.

At this stage we are unable to predict the outcome of the situation however, based on provincial legislation; the maximum legal work-stoppage delay is 45 days, commencing May 1st, 2010.

We will endeavor to keep you informed as events unfold; in May our office will be sending a community update that will include information about the progress of trade negotiations. In the interim should you have any questions or concerns about this notice please contact our Call Center at 416-661-9394
Hi Solaris,

I posted this in another thread - but it provides some further detail on the strike issue:

It is my understanding that as per the Labour Relations Statute Law Amendment Act, 2004 that the 46-day strike window was made permanent (effectively preventing construction strikes from being stacked and paralyzing the development industry as happened in 1998). All collective agreements have a common expiry date of April 30, 2010. Should there be a strike - after the 46 days maximum strike period, binding arbitration would be utilized.
thanks Mike !

so based on this info .... it appears that ALL construction sites in the GTA would be affected by the strike (if it happens) ~
