You do know were in a recession now. They mustered up all they could. It's pretty impressive i think ;)
Actually a recession has not been officially declared yet.

Question for those who know...
Why do they put up glass like this? Obviously it's for some sort of testing, but I've never actually figured out why.
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So that the owners of the building can see the proposed final product and request modifications before they go and fabricate 26 storeys of curtainwall.
Do they not go look at glass options at factories or showrooms first?

Pretty sure its a giant mail to order catalogue with killer paper cuts

Obviously it's for some sort of testing, but I've never actually figured out why.

testing the mechanics of the facade and how they hold up. Doing the testing on site gives you the most accurate impression of the overall aesthetics as well
You can actually still see the test wall for Bay Adelaide on the back of the Adelaide Street parking garage entrance, facing north towards the "Cloud Forest" park on Temperence.
And the test wall for the first version of Bay Adelaide sat on the building at the corner of Bay and Temperance torn down for the current phase of B/A for more than a decade.

"What is this? An office building for ANTS?" :D
