Square One announced an Express store opening Nov 25. It's on Express's store locator now as well.
I was at Square 1 the other day. The new turning circle is going to cause some nice accidents this Christmas season. Is it me or do the pedestrian crossings seem to be in the wrong spot? It seems when you drive the circle ypur eyes aren't looking at where the pedestrians enter the street
While I don't mind Oxford terminating the church's lease, I fail to see how that space helps them enbiggen the food court. Are they going to kick out Bowring? Disney? Burger King? Sony? Does anyone know if any of those retailers are relocating? If not, I don't see the church's space really helping the food court.

Yeah, that space is neither attractive for retail or for food vendor, unless they plan simply to supersize the Burger King. Seems pointless.
They did say Food Court, so if I had to guess I'd say at least Sony and the Disney Store would be relocating, and the Burger King seating area would become part of the new food court section. Although I think this would have to be a more extensive renovation/relocation than we think simply because there's no other way to use the church section as a "food court" unless they take even more space.


A crude Paint illustration to show what I mean. I'm not sure if they'd go this large, simply because I'm not sure Square One can support a food court double the size of the current one:

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Maybe not quite that big, but it can definitely support a larger food court. That food court is at or near capacity a lot. It's definitely not big enough. However, whatever they're doing is clearly something we don't know yet, and I think you might be on to something there. However, that Burger King isn't exactly old, and the Disney Store just went under big renos. So maybe it will be just Burger King and Sony and Bowring?
Why not go in the other direction and knock out Champs and all the retailers on that block? The ones on the Bay side are all second or third-tier anyway, and opening up that entire section would drive more traffic to that corridor. Perhaps they need the church space to relocate some of those retailers.
I'm not sure how the church space would help anyone unless they expanded the food court in that direction.

It is definitely a problem for my plan that Burger King is pretty new, and so is Disney. That's why I'm really not sure exactly what they're doing...
Yeah, you're right - I had got it mixed up with the old drop-in centre. However, if you look at what the Eaton Centre did with their shuffling of tenants to create a large new space, Oxford might have a similar plan in mind. In my mind, though, the food court should not be the priority -it should be the dead zones of the mall, like the lower Sears corridor and the Goodlife one.
Cross-posted with the Mississauga thread, since this one falls in both categories.


Square One to extend hours in 2012

Square One Shopping Centre is extending its weekend hours.

Beginning Jan. 2, the mall will remain open on Saturdays until 9 p.m. (an additional three hours) and until 7 p.m. on Sundays (another hour). Mall officials said research with shoppers showed they would like the mall to remain open later on weekends.
