I confirmed yesterday that they have sold 75%. Construction is supposed to start spring 2017 so 2020 sounds wildly optimistic.

With the reviews still ongoing, the project size and the history of the builder I'm putting my money on mid 2021 or a four year build.

This works out really well for me since I have purchased a retirement downsizing unit and am really looking forward to moving back downtown from the burbs after 25 years.
I am somewhat amused by your apparent belief in the" 75% sold" statement. I suspect you heard this from a salesman and s/he does have a vested interest in making purchasers and potential purchasers think a start date is close. Caveat emptor!
The info came from an agency but I am curious if you have alternative information. I'm not sure why a sales agent would lie about the status to someone they have already sold to but perhaps I am being naive.
I confirmed yesterday that they have sold 75%. Construction is supposed to start spring 2017 so 2020 sounds wildly optimistic.

With the reviews still ongoing, the project size and the history of the builder I'm putting my money on mid 2021 or a four year build.

This works out really well for me since I have purchased a retirement downsizing unit and am really looking forward to moving back downtown from the burbs after 25 years.

It's a great neighbourhood, lots to do and see and not have to spend too much money, there aren't many places that encourage people to sit down and watch the world go by, the new Y has great facilities for seniors. Congrats and welcome home!
For St. Lawrence condos buyers and people interested in this condo area development : there is a group on Facebook available (called St. Lawrence condos (158 Front St condo). Join the group and you can discuss anything related to condo construction updates, concerns and issues.
Thanks for posting the facebook page info, We are living in the burbs and excited about the prospect of not having to cut grass and house maintenance that takes up time now.
Thanks for posting the facebook page info, We are living in the burbs and excited about the prospect of not having to cut grass and house maintenance that takes up time now.
At the amazingly slow rate of progress on even starting excavation (not to remind you that this is the same developer as the still-unfinished L-Tower) I fear you still have many years of lawn-mowing to go.
The date is pretty humorous, I'm guessing it will be a three year build once they finally break ground. Anyway, enough sarcasm and finally some good news. We were discussing a 2nd unit in the building and called to ask how many units are available and the building is sold out.
The building is now sold out, now they have to finalize their permits and get going! I'm hoping they learned something about project mgmt from the L tower but I have been accused of being an optimist in the past.
The building is now sold out, now they have to finalize their permits and get going! I'm hoping they learned something about project mgmt from the L tower but I have been accused of being an optimist in the past.
They have been 'sold out' on several occasions in the past 3-4 years and then move to a 're-launch". We shall see....
I called the office. They said the actual construction will start sometime in Fall. Anybody knows more detailed info?
supposedly they are in the financing stage, permits are in place and there isn't a defined timeline for breaking pavement.
Any updates on St Lawrence Condo.
Have they started the construction. If so, can someone upload few pics of recent activities.
