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A few thoughts:

1) TTC Public Art is now required to include a maintenance and cleaning plan; materials have to be weather resistant. I believe life-cycle maintenance contracts may also be part of project costs now (not sure on that last point, but I know it was under discussion)

2) I do believe Arc de Ciel is going to be restored and reinstalled, def. under discussion; and will come with maintenance agreement if it happens, the artist is insisting!) I think the money may come from the Yorkdale expansion project, not sure.

3) The TTC for reasons beyond credulity does not understand how to maintain trackside walls (hello subway car with car-wash style brushes attached to the side.......) but in their infinite wisdom, their answer is no finished on the trackside, so we won't notice they don't clean it!

4) The TTC really must utilize retail in their stations better, just sign a system-wide deal with Tim Horton's and let them figure out the how and why at a set per sq ft fee a sales %) done.

Failing the above, let's get some Japanese-style vending machines (not just pop/juice, but books, maps, healthy snacks, junk food w/e)

5) The second design is much improved from the first.
The main entrance exterior is not my cut of tea but I like the interior and the rest of the project.
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I think this looks fantastic, or it will when it is new before it gets dirty and looks dated, at which point it won't look fantastic. So long as we continue to starve the TTC and our City of funding, we will continue to have broken streets and dirty subway stations. I think Rob Ford will discover that the gravy he is always going on about is pretty thin indeed and far less plentiful than warranted the amount of time he was going on about it during the election. No one likes to pay taxes, but my two sisters in Oshawa are paying significantly more property taxes for their houses than I do -- about 50% more -- for fewer services. No one else is going to pay up: that means we have to, or go find new partners to shoulder the costs. Or we can just continue as we have been doing, slowly grinding the city into ruin.
I still don't understand why the TTC doesn't paint the track-side walls black. It would look a heck of a lot better than dirty concrete walls.
