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no free rides!

so in the new conservative bible, will jesus charge 7800 denarius for curing blindness with spit and sand? will he no longer be the grand architect of the universal health care?

what about that part in the bible where it states that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven? is that because it costs $777777777 USD in admission costs to get in?
Who do these people think they are? This really gets my blood boiling. :mad:

the chosen ones. god chose them to rewrite the bible at $2USD a word.
Jesus was a hardcore socialist man.

He talked about sharing resources and no one should become far richer then everyone else.

Its sad people have taken religion which has some positive moral elements to it and have perverted it greatly.

Just look at Islam.
workers of the word, unite!
