I don't know. This whistling past the graveyard is fun and all, but...he won't need a new job because he's going to win.
As I type this he's breaking election laws left, right and centre at his campaign launch. There will be no serious repercussions, of course. He will break election laws ever day between now and Oct. 27th and there will be no serious repercussions. He will be free to slander his opponents and lie about his past, present and future, and his tribe will lap it up. He will whip his followers up into a frenzy and they will turn out en masse, dwarfing turnout by the other candidates. It doesn't matter if he and Doug lost their voters' list from the last election because every time he so much as belches it gets spread across Facebook and Twitter for free. That's how he gets his message out. And his simplistic one-sentence slogans will always trump the truth, or at least other candidates' messages, because they're easy to remember and even easier to agree with if you don't think about them. And most people aren't really that into thinking.
27% of the electorate already admits to planning to vote for him; would you bet your life savings that that number isn't higher, that there aren't many other people who will pull the lever (so to speak) for him in the privacy of the voting booth because he looks out for the little guy and saved them a billion dolllars? Maybe they don't approve of the sideshow, but they heard Olivia Chow will unionize the entire city and that John Tory is a rich elite, and they don't like the sound of that, no sir!
Failing a serious health event or his arrest on serious charges (which, LOL, is not going to happen, and even if it did the trial wouldn't be until 2019 or some shit), he's going to win.