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  • Thread starter billy corgan19982
  • Start date
Au contraire. Five apostophe errors in 3 sentences is a very remarkable feat.

As used, "au contraire" is a subordinate clause and should be separated from the rest of your thought by a comma, not a period.

Also, according to any respectable grammar manual (whether the Chicago Manual of Style or the Oxford Style Manual), all numbers from one to ten should appear as words, not numerals. Accordingly, your use of "3" was very bad form.

You would have earned points for knowing that you should write out as a word any numeral that begins a sentence, but since you shouldn't have started a new sentence after "au contraire", you don't get this point.

Given the foregoing, you should have written:
"Au contraire, five apostophe errors in three sentences is a very remarkable feat."

I could quibble with your mixing of the plural and the singular, but who expects perfect prose on the internet? Certainly anyone who posts here should not...
Did I not just say something about ending a sentence without a full stop after a continuation?

sp(elling) and grammar marshall
Actually, the technical term for three points (...) is an ellipsis. According to the Oxford Style Manual,

An ellipsis can be used to show a trailing off, interruption of, or pause in speech or thought in order to create dramatic, rhetorical, or ironic effect. (at p. 129)

I maintain that my usage was grammatically correct, and I dare you to demonstrate otherwise...

(Okay, that last one was, admittedly, gratuitous use of the ellipsis.)
Hey, my grammar is fine thanks.

Why should i try when im on this forum? I could care less if there are spelling mistakes or grammatical errors here. Its not my job to post on this forum and its not part of my education.

If you can't build a sentence properly, why should anyone ever believe you can build a city?

And as for writing properly not being part of your education, you might want to change that.
I am the last person to criticize someone's grammar or spelling, and I do understand that the web context is different, but I have to support ap in this - just because it's funny that someone could write such a small amount of text, leave out four apostrophes where they should be, but take the time to put one in where it doesn't go. If there were no apostrophes at all then the person just doesn't use them - no humour. But the one needless apostrophe - the effort to find it and include it on the message in that one misguided case - makes it, in my opinion, hilarious and worth pointing out. Not for pedantic reasons, for humour. I'm glad it was pointed out because I wouldn't have noticed.
I am not glad that it was pointed out because it has meant a host of posts that have nothing to do with the subject matter of the thread (including this one) and the possible intimidation of a relatively new forum member.
There's a small set of posters who make 99% of the overly critical, grammar-type comments, and a different small set of posters who make 99% of the "this thread is off-topic! >: " posts. I guess this page is what happens when these two sets clash - complaints about complaints...

Oh, and it seems kpad has validated my ellipsis usage...:p
I guess the mods are on vacation. Could you guys please open another thread to discuss grammer? Preferably in the Forum Issues section.

This has nothing to do with Metropolis and shouldn't have been allowed to take up an entire page of this thread. :rolleyes
There's a small set of posters who make 99% of the overly critical, grammar-type comments, and a different small set of posters who make 99% of the "this thread is off-topic! " posts. I guess this page is what happens when these two sets clash - complaints about complaints...

I agree with both your points. The nature of this forum is things always happen to get a bit silly. I don't mind it once in a while - at least the grammar silliness died out (the reponse being, that yes, spelling and grammar is sometimes not perfect here, and yes, there should be liberties - and do find it annoying to have these pointed out so often.
I think that's a good idea, bb (another name that violates the rules, like mine!)

Anyway, to get this back on topic, there's a part of me that thinks Metropolis may look as good as it ever will. I'm not a big fan of a wall of clashing, cheapo ads (now, if it were all expensive neon signs, I'd be happier) - the vents and steel looks kinda cool right now.
The building reminds me of those Borg ships or something from a Ridley Scott movie.

edit *The odd typo and incorrect spelling generally doesn't bother me, it is afterall just a message board. However when someone posts consistently with an obvious lack of consideration for basic grammar it can be very irritating.
Yes, a thread to discus MetroMan1000's "grammer" - whatever that is - would be nice. And maybe one to discuss his spelling.

I always add a space before ellipses, for visual effect.


That was the way it was ...


That was the way it was...

The extra little bit of breathing space contributes nicely to the "trailing off" effect don't you think?
^Maybe it does have something to do with Metropolis. What if they moved the Music Hall of Fame to make room for the Grammar Rodeo?

As for the grammar errors, I think it's silly to make an issue of them, especially in this case. If his post was completely incoherent that's one thing, but it was perfectly understandable.

As kpad pointed out, even ap makes grammar mistakes. Even his username is missing capitals and spaces. Perhaps we should boybott Ezboard for allowing people to register with grammatically incorrect usernames?
I'm still concerned that Metropolis won't have enough ads...I want to be overwhelmed, to be bombarded by neon and epileptically flashing lights and cheesy/classic ad campaigns.
