Senior Member
Everyone: How often does Toronto get significant hail storms and what is the largest size hail stones that have been noted or recorded?
In my own memory the largest hail I have ever seen is quarter sized and I have also heard of storms that have so much small hail the ground becomes covered like there was a snowstorm and snow plows actually have to be called out to remove the dropped hail even though it does not last long because of warm ground temperatures...
The largest hail I personally went through was back in the mid 1970s in the town I grew up in, in northwestern Ontario. Our back lawn was covered in baseball- to softball-sized hailstones, almost all of which had numerous spines sticking out like a medieval mace-head, and the local paper had a photo the next day of a dinner-plate sized hailstone (round and flat, 11" in diameter).
At that time there was no Weather Channel or Internet, but if this had happened more recently, video of the hailstorm would have been all over the place.