already ?? They don't even have a new space (Garrison @ Fort York) completed yet to move into ~
Maybe they're sold so no need for a centre? Maybe they're doing a complete reno? Looking through the windows there is insulation being pulled down, I saw a guy pulling out wiring the other day. I'll take a peek again later today.

ETA: This afternoon, there were some construction guys hanging around outside the centre, although they could have been from the York Harbour site (it's just across the road). About half of the inside of the centre, from what I could see through the windows, has been pulled apart.
Last edited:
Pics taken Oct 25, 2011

Work has started on this project.





Pic taken Dec 8, 2011

this is a very exciting project - the area is a year or two away from really starting to turn a corner....
Yes, and now that some retail will be creeping into the neighbourhood, there might be some hope that things will end well, after-all.
This project completes a street wall from Fort York Blvd to Fleet St. Impressive. This area was so pedestrian unfriendly in the past. Now the city just needs to get their act together and rebuild the Bathurst bridge.
