The problem with extremist "free traders" is that they hold a double standard. They believe we should trade with nations like China on the basis that we not create any tariffs on imports, but while our manufacturers have to pay market prices and fair wages with benefits, the Chinese manufacturers not only get to abuse workers through tough work conditions, low pay, few benefits (if any), they also get subsidized for doing so.
Instead of calling it free trade, it should be called corporate trade. Corporations that make the deals, buy our government laws, and force us into a system where we can't even make our own clothing or building materials or anything really are people who are ruining the economy for everyone. And for what? A short term gain that isn't sustainable in the long term.
Manufacturing has to be maintained in all nations, not just collectivized in a few worker-suppressed states like China who abuse workers, pay people insanely low amounts, and subsidize the industries they seek with fixed currency and prices to boot.
There's nothing "free" about our current world trade system.
I always get a kick out of clothing tags. One rack will have various pieces from Vietnam, Thailand, Pakistan, Egypt, and China, and while they may charge $50 for the jeans, I wonder if the worker who did the work even gets $.25 cents out of that $50. There is nothing sustainable about western life right now, and it makes me wonder if the suppressed conditions alone aren't helping seed extremism against certain nation-states and pushes desperate workers into terrorist groups as an alternative. Especially considering how much clothing is now manufactured from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Egypt. There has been a notable increase in imports from these nations in the United States since 2000, and if anyone walks into a store its easily visible.
Trade is as much a part as the "war on terror" as bombing any nation-state, IMO. Until we start balancing the world's economy and treating people fairly, no one wins.
If you grow up in an economically depressed state like Pakistan, you're taught fundamentalist religious ideology that the infidels are ruling the world, and you can't afford your own place working 10 hours a day getting paid .02 cents (USD) per piece of clothing you make, it sounds ironically understandable that it would leave a lot of people so frustrated that they would rather just spend all their free time hating the United States or other western nations and be willing to join groups against the western world. Understanding hate is key to conquering hate.
Until people get it, we're never going to win this so-called "war" because its not a war and the west isn't against a nation-state anymore.