Maybe you misunderstand. The Green Shift promised a significant reduction in taxation in net terms. The Liberals promised $50 billion reductions in corporate income taxes, in addition to the tax shifting for the Green Shift. That you believe otherwise is a testament to the success of Tory spin and the failure of the LPC to get their message out.
No I did not misunderstand. Look at the income levels that the green shift was targeted towards, even on the corporate side. Next, how can anyone argue that the platform was revenue neutral? Sure 50 billion in reductions, while taking billions more in revenue and tacking on 10-20 billion in new spending. Is that your definition of revenue neutral? Had the program been strictly a green shift, revenue neutral at most income levels (personal and corporate) and neutral at the macro level I would have voted for it. As it stands, I disagree that taking billions out for social programs during a recession is a good idea. When times are good, we'll talk.
"Find me a quote where Dion said he would run a deficit. Otherwise, he simply did what the other leaders did. It's not right, but sadly it's par for the course."
As I've said, Dion said that he would not 'cause' a deficit. Cagey, but honest. If you find this worse that Harper lying about whether he'd run deficits, while his government was planning to run a deficit, I'm astonished. That isn't cagey, that's dishonest. And you're cheering for his lies. I'm sure Dion had wanted to be more forthright, but he was unwilling to lie by saying something like "No deficit, ever".
I did not say I approve. Politics is a dirty business and Dion got out played. I agree that Harper's answer was deceptive and irresponsible, but I am not going to give a pass to Dion simply because he gave a less deceptive answer. I for one, fully expected a deficit (at some point in a year) regardless of which party was in power. And only an ignorant out of touch voter would have expected otherwise. Also, I would have supported the Liberals running a deficit as well. What I find annoying now, is that the Liberals are lambasting the government for running a deficit without suggesting an alternative. So tell me, what did Dion mean by saying he would not cause one. What would he have done differently to not cause a deficit a month in. Two solutions, raise taxes or cut spending. Which would it have been? Or would he have pulled a solution to a global economic crisis from his rear to make the upcoming deficit disappear. You want to raise the GST back up, then have the balls to advocate for it. Likewise, why don't they make suggestions for programs that should be cut to rein in spending. BTW, this rule equally applies to the Conservatives when they were in Opposition. I find it annoying when someone bitches without offering a solution. Put up or shut up.
"As to poor management, I am willing to give him a partial pass because he cut taxes, albeit the wrong one."
How about his increasing spending at nearly twice the rate he said he planned to, and faster even than the supposedly spend-thrift Martin government? He increased spending faster than any PM since before Chretien. Had he held to even the high rate of spending increase that Martin budgeted, we likely wouldn't be facing deficits.
Yes, and this is something that concerns me deeply. But given the choice I had as a voter between a party that raised spending (the real cause of our current situation) and a party that was proposing to raise spending even higher, all while re-jigging the tax code in the midst of a recession, I chose to play it safe. I shudder to think what the Green Shift would have done if it was being implemented right now....