OMG those pics are awesome. That first one especially just gave me a new desktop background!
The glass is looking quite green to me. I think these might just end up melting into the rest of the glass blob down there.
June 6
Lot more up on site.







I'm not sure if anyone noticed but Ice glass looks similar to MLS across the street. Except glass on Ice looks a bit thinner. You can kind of see through the glass on Ice, but across the street at MLS (office component), you can't see through it (more reflective?).
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I really dig the frosty glass on ICE. very much so as advertised in the renders.

and i don't get infinity. not only did they copy paste the design, but they copy+pasted the height too. i don't see why they couldn't go higher... especially with ICE pushing the height in the area... a taller design would look great.
Not that there's many places left to build, but I think there should be an immediate planning ban on all twin, twin-set, lookalike, copycat and two-of-a-kind buildings around the southcore area. City-wide, for that matter. Get thinking, people (planners, developers, architects) - that's what you're getting paid to do! It's ridiculous. As for Infinity, the only good thing about it is that from two angles, you won't have to see it twice.
Maybe we'll get lucky: Infinity construction will magically cease, it'll be taken over by another company, sit fallow, get redesigned and take on a finished form quite different than planned. Any company that inflicts such a lumpen brain-dead double-hunk-o'-crap in such a prominent location should, if karma has an architectural bent, collapse into receivership. Or be able to be sued for dumping two immovable piles of terminal dullness right where we'll have to put up with them for years.

Ranting aside - the cladding on ICE looks wonderful. Looking forward to seeing the base start to form.
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So glad for your comments on Infinity, CN: it's exactly what I was feeling upon seeing the above pictures. There should be an additional circle of hell reserved for the developers of what is, quite possibly, the most architecturally worthless downtown development since H & D's 3 uglies.
Maybe we'll get lucky: Infinity construction will magically cease, it'll be taken over by another company, sit fallow, get redesigned and take on a finished form quite different than planned. Any company that inflicts such a lumpen brain-dead double-hunk-o'-crap in such a prominent location should, if karma has an architectural bent, collapse into receivership. Or be able to be sued for dumping two immovable piles of terminal dullness right where we'll have to put up with them for years.

I keep hearing that well-designed buildings make the ugly ones around them around them look better.

Here's hoping.
and i don't get infinity. not only did they copy paste the design, but they copy+pasted the height too. i don't see why they couldn't go higher... especially with ICE pushing the height in the area... a taller design would look great.

I personally am thankful that the steaming pile is not any taller.
Grand Trunk Crescent is going to have the most insane density... wowza! Great shot.
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I think the frosty part is a mistake. personally, I would have gladly done without the juliet balconies (which are quite useless) and just gone with the excellent glass which really looks like ice.

I really dig the frosty glass on ICE. very much so as advertised in the renders.

and i don't get infinity. not only did they copy paste the design, but they copy+pasted the height too. i don't see why they couldn't go higher... especially with ICE pushing the height in the area... a taller design would look great.
