^From the other side of that ugly condo today:

It's hard to believe that ICE 1 (57 storeys) is only 202 metres versus 186 metres for the taller MLS tower (54/55 storeys)... the camera angle appears to be dead on York Street and ICE 1 positively dominates. Maybe extra mech height?

ICE 2 is going to be enormous from this POV.
It's hard to believe that ICE 1 (57 storeys) is only 202 metres versus 186 metres for the taller MLS tower (54/55 storeys)... the camera angle appears to be dead on York Street and ICE 1 positively dominates. Maybe extra mech height?

ICE 2 is going to be enormous from this POV.

ice 1 is by my guess 61 floors all together, ice 2 will be over 70 floors and will appear taller then fcp from angles taken at the lake. Ice 2 will look like the tallest building in the city from the lake.

edit: here is a rough idea of how the height will look.

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ice 1 is by my guess 61 floors all together, ice 2 will be over 70 floors and will appear taller then fcp from angles taken at the lake.
Ice 1 to 61, and Ice 2 to be 70 Floors?

Did they increase the floors by any chance, and does it mean heights increase as well?
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No height increases. just the story listing on the threads don't include mechanical floors only habitable. so 57 and 67 is with out mechanical levels at the top. some taller buildings will have mechanical floors in the middle also.
I haven't been over to the islands in a couple of years, what a crazy skyline brewing there. It's a shame the TD towers weren't a little higher but all-in-all, we're getting a great postcard view there and I like how ICE adds some balance from that POV.
^ Great pics Drum. The close-ups on the mechanical floors are making me more curious now this is going to look.
I'm starting to think the roof features will be similar to CASA's, very much flat, but ovoid or rounded instead of squared off.
