And yet?? The post says it's ironic that Toronto packs in skyscrapers so dense, given the space Canada has.

PS: Building suburbs results in more trees being planted, not less, as farmland isn't exactly forested.

While agricultural land may not be very biologically diverse compared to unmolested woodland, it has more vegetation than a similar-sized suburb covered with asphalt and manicured grass.

<chills> I certianly hope you don't agree with the post...


southcore looks like a panty dropper area, btw nice pics as always MafaldaBoy
Infinity is such a regrettable mistake, how did that monstrosity get approved for a second identical phase? It's made all the worse as illustrated in those photos, since that could've been an opportunity for a great bookend to Roundhouse Park, as well as a gateway to the towers of Southcore behind it.

Wasted opportunity.
is infinity the small green boxes? if yes than those boxes are so ugly that I won't even waste my pee on them.
Infinity doesn't bother me. I also think it looks better as two and with the rest of the area building out.

No doubt it could be a lot better but, it could have been a lot worse given the severe height limitations and the minimal use of spandrel on the side facing the park.
I think the finesse award goes to Ice, the cladding award goes to The Delta, the high-tech award goes to Telus, and the "I wish we'd hired Saucier & Perrotte" award can be thrown in Infinity's direction.
MafaldaBoy uses perspective correction in Photoshop, not a tilt-shift lens!

