I was pleasantly surprised to see that the taller ICE tower is visible from Panorama @ Manulife :)

Good to hear that actually! I'll look forward to another visit there this summer…

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the taller ICE tower is visible from Panorama @ Manulife :)


Thanks, Kris! I would've snapped a photo myself, but it was getting dark, and the south patio was closed due to high winds, so the reflections off the glass wouldn't have helped either.
I honestly do quite like the east tower (Infinity1) with its curved west façade
Not a fan of these boring towers at all... nothing interesting about them whatsoever - no color, no curve, no crown, just two tall boxes.
Do we realize how boring that waterfront skyline looks? All the new buildings look the same, a sea of green/blue/grey. If not for the CN tower, it could be any city.
Not a fan of these boring towers at all... nothing interesting about them whatsoever - no color, no curve, no crown, just two tall boxes.
Do we realize how boring that waterfront skyline looks? All the new buildings look the same, a sea of green/blue/grey. If not for the CN tower, it could be any city.

Um? Wrong thread?
That's a really interesting idea for Toronto skyline photography. Omitting the CN Tower really helps us to see the rest of the city better, without the iconic focal point to distract us in its salience.
