the glass on the mechanical looks exactly like the glass on delta.

I'm a long-time reader, first-time poster. Does anyone know or have a general idea when the PATH will be operational between ICE and MLS under York Street?

Thanks in advance!
The PATH connection to MLS will be underground? So does that mean to get to union station one would have to walk underground from Ice to the MLS mall basement, then go up one level to the escalators in the MLS mall and take that up another level. Then walk through the sky bridge on the second floor and then take the stairs back down again, to get to the that arcade where Union Station meets the ACC? That seems like a whole lot of time and effort to get from Ice to the ACC. There is no way in hell I'd have the patience to do that when walking in the cold will be so much faster and easier. (but colder) With that option, I think I'll take the cold/snow and walk quickly.

Nobody wants to be walking down stairs or waiting for an elevator. They needed to put an escalator in the ACC portion to the second floor tunnel.
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That is correct. There aren't very many residential buildings connected to the PATH, so every one of them will advertise that they are connected to the PATH in any way possible, even if it's through a maze of grocery stores, escalators, bridges and stairs.

The new elevator is now working which takes you from the second floor of ACC to the ground level... except that the elevator exits OUTSIDE instead of indoors!
The PATH connection between Maple Leaf Square and Ãce has to be built cut-and-cover; apparently it cannot be tunnelled. To dig it, York Street will have to close for a few months between Bremner Blvd and the Gardiner. (Boy, is that going to thrill a lot of Toronto drivers when that happens).

Because of that, the City is requiring that they wait until after the Pan Am Games have come and gone. That also means that York won't be shut down until a good number of the improvements at Union Station have been completed so that it can handle larger crowds. I wonder how many Oakville types (anywhere west really) that still drive to Downtown will switch to GO at that point, because who is going to want to deal with that traffic? Ugh.

The PATH connection between Maple Leaf Square and Ãce has to be built cut-and-cover; apparently it cannot be tunnelled. To dig it, York Street will have to close for a few months between Bremner Blvd and the Gardiner. (Boy, is that going to thrill a lot of Toronto drivers when that happens).

Because of that, the City is requiring that they wait until after the Pan Am Games have come and gone. That also means that York won't be shut down until a good number of the improvements at Union Station have been completed so that it can handle larger crowds. I wonder how many Oakville types (anywhere west really) that still drive to Downtown will switch to GO at that point, because who is going to want to deal with that traffic? Ugh.


I always wonder what would happen if they began removing the York-Bay-Yonge offramp at the same time as the construction of the PATH between Ice and MLS.
Awesome photos! These buildings turned out great. They remind me of the Monroe buildings in Mississauga - sexy. The "floating" crown gives them a real futuristic look.
The PATH connection between Maple Leaf Square and Ãce has to be built cut-and-cover; apparently it cannot be tunnelled. To dig it, York Street will have to close for a few months between Bremner Blvd and the Gardiner. (Boy, is that going to thrill a lot of Toronto drivers when that happens).

When it does finally get built, if they are smart, York wouldn't have to be closed completely for months
- they just need to install a bailey bridge over the excavation so that traffic can pass overhead.
That's what was done for cross streets during Canada Line cut and cover in Vancouver.
