I just got a job in MLS this week so hopefully I can supply some photo updates of this project/others in the area once I start working (in January). I'm a Nova Scotian leaving Halifax for a new adventure in Toronto.
Welcome to the Fourm mcmcclassic! Make sure they give you a office with a window!

If you could show that first image to a Toronto resident from 10 years ago, telling them it is Toronto, they would have laughed at you.
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Because almost nothing in that image was recognizably from Toronto, and it looks far too 'futuristic' to belong to the Toronto of 2004 - which had seen a decade-long drought of tall building construction.
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I'm eagerly awaiting the cladding (?) on the podium, the renders show what looks like an aluminum covering. It it's handled well it could really add a lot to the overall experience of the tower. Hoping for the best here based on what we've seen already. :D
^ me too, I also want to see the grass roof of the podium after it is done.
Derrick crane is being assembled on the roof. Should see the tower crane coming down pretty soon.

Can't wait for the green roof podium either


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