The reason

The rest of the country hates us is due to envy and jealousy. We're the biggest and most important city in this country and people just resent that. It's natural and normal human behaviour.

As for being compared to other cities? Well, no doubt we can learn a few things from other cities, certainly those with a long and colourful history but at some point we as a city need to do things as we see fit. We shouldn't feel the need to copycat other approaches because we have insecurity issues.

Not constantly second guess ourselves and wonder if New York or Paris would do this. It's so counterproductive.
Oct 29 Another one Bit's the Dust

Another parking lot Biting the Dust

Trying to figure out whether the entire site is going to be hoarded or just the section for the first phase.
It would make sense to hoard the entire thing so that they can use the extra space for staging. What I'm more curious about is if they're going to excavate the entire lot, just the condo portion, or just phase one. I guess we'll know as soon as the shoring rig shows up.
It would make sense to hoard the entire thing so that they can use the extra space for staging. What I'm more curious about is if they're going to excavate the entire lot, just the condo portion, or just phase one. I guess we'll know as soon as the shoring rig shows up.

My bet (I'll wager the princely sum of $1 at 1:1 odds to any taker) is that based on the rate of sales and interest, they'll excavate the entire condo portion at once, but not address the commercial building portion. I'm not sure how this will impact the full extent of the canopy and the courtyard if the commercial building is stalled for a few years (which I think is likely with so much new class A office space coming on the market now), but I expect the portion of the canopy around the condo buildings would have to be completed.
My bet (I'll wager the princely sum of $1 at 1:1 odds to any taker) is that based on the rate of sales and interest, they'll excavate the entire condo portion at once, but not address the commercial building portion. I'm not sure how this will impact the full extent of the canopy and the courtyard if the commercial building is stalled for a few years (which I think is likely with so much new class A office space coming on the market now), but I expect the portion of the canopy around the condo buildings would have to be completed.

Regarding excavation..Im with you, if Ice-2 sells well and quick (which i think it will) But i also predict we will have to see Ice-1 toping off before Ice-2 starts rising. The office building is a question mark, i will say groundbreaking in 2015 in which time we will see 45 Bay, 171 Front, and BA-2 under construction.:)
Regarding excavation..Im with you, if Ice-2 sells well and quick (which i think it will) But i also predict we will have to see Ice-1 toping off before Ice-2 starts rising. The office building is a question mark, i will say groundbreaking in 2015 in which time we will see 45 Bay, 171 Front, and BA-2 under construction.:)

Phase 1 and 2 res towers will go up together, office tower later
I'd love to see a taller base but that looks quite nice. Too bad there aren't more towers like this going up - this is just what the area needs.
Those are some beautiful renderings! That second one finally gives a more accurate impression of what the bottom is going to look like. Definitely isn't like anything else in Toronto that I can think of.
I hope The Cheapening doesn't straighten out those cool Alsop-ish crooked supports for the podium roof like VU Condos.
Very science fiction futuristic look! I hope these get build as per renderings. would be great if they were even taller (80 to 90 storeys)
