A google search of Bob Verdun reveals a rural politician oddly proud of his high school marks. .
Don't see anything about his high-school marks. But if we're talking about the same guy, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. He did win the Michener Award, which is more than anyone on this forum can claim. (That said, if anyone wants to out themselves as famously successful, now's your chance.)
I haven't Googled him, but if he's won the Michener Award for Journalism he should know that newspapers don't pay for publishing letters to the editor.
Indeed, but he was also angling to have it printed as an op-ed, which is different.
Perhaps there are two J. Robert ( Bob ) Verdun's? The one who won a prestigious national award for his writing ... and this one?
Bob Verdun is originally the owner of the Elmira Independent newspaper. He became quite well off after selling it (to Southam, I believe) and his family's large property holdings and decided to become a gadfly investor. He's quite eccentric, but he's very well known in the business community as an investor rights activist. He shows up at hundreds of board meetings to attack entrenched management. The former CEO of Clarica, for example, is suing him for libel. Recently, he's gotten involved with Harry's projects. He bizarrely keeps running for Waterloo region chair. He's a fringe candidate despite all his money, since he doesn't seem to make any effort to campaign.
The world's most slender tower is enhancing the City

Has these been verified? I've seen taller, very slender towers in Hong Kong that would seem to take this title, albiet, imaginary.

Does anyone know what happened to Harry's previous tranche of $10 Million that details were released last year? Where he gave his personal guarantee? I want this guy to succeed but I wouldn't give a dime into it.
I think it is the thinnist for it's height.

I wonder what Stinsons meeting is going to be like? By the way, disorganization aside. The more I see 1 King West, the more I like it. And the more I wish we had more people building like Stinson and less like Tridel.
The ad for the Dominion Club in today's paper says:

"Events of 5 to 500".

Of what possible use could such a space be to 5 people?
Maybe Stinson should take a trip to the Dragon's Den for more financing?
It would be pretty cool having a private meeting or dinner with five people in that huge space...
Harry's late to the event theatre game. I was by the York near Yonge and Eg and noted its days as an event theatre have already come to an end. It's in the midst of a conversion to a health club.

I also note that the Dominion Club website has yet to be updated. They're still "selling" memberships.
