Nothing matches the pure lameness of photoshopping the top of 1 King West.
Looks like less a photoshop job, and more one of those optimistic renders that Harry was using pre-construction. Back in the Speed Stick days...
I just noticed that yesterday too, Ed. It's the invisible hotel...
saw the UT article today... this is an amazing building.. only $3 million??? that's a steal imo. even though square footage wise it doesn't stack up against the Ritz, shangri-la, etc... one amazing floorplan. and the wrap around views are next-level insane.
This is a good example of why UT should never close threads on a project, you never know what the future holds.

Application: Building Additions/Alterations Status: Not Started

Location: 1 KING ST W

Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 14 131320 BLD 00 BA Accepted Date: Mar 20, 2014

Project: Apartment Hotel Re-Roofing/Re-Cladding

Description: To re-clad the front and the side elevations of the existing "One King West" hotel.
I think this just refers to the re-cladding of the podium rooftop addition and the parapet on the historical building. I could be wrong though; the pre-cast on the tower has always looked pretty bottom-rung to me.
