I left a laugh because I see such concerns as made up problems that only progressive/urbanist minded folks worry about. In the real world, it's not really an issue.
Yeah, agreed - people who need access to affordable-housing and workforce-housing rental-units usually have much less of an issue with unit-segmentation in a building than people in the political and planning communities.

That said, I can pretty-much guarantee that a Councillor like Perks would raise it as a concern again on this site as he did on Aquavista. Similar to how he complained about the Modular Housing program on the SPACING podcast last year - http://spacing.ca/toronto/2020/05/31/podcast-spacing-radio-046-toronto-city-council-is-buffering/ - nothing is ever good enough, etc.
I left a laugh because I see such concerns as made up problems that only progressive/urbanist minded folks worry about. In the real world, it's not really an issue. But I know I'm probably on thin ice with the mods because of my off topic histrionics, so I didn't want to say anything. ;)
...for every dollar I hear about this "real world" that oft does not reflect my reality, I probably could put down for a penthouse over at The One by now, lol.
Redesign and Reconstruction of the Eastern/Richmond/Adelaide flyover is coming.

Should be a drastic improvement.

I haven't seen the preliminary designs, but I know they feature cycle tracks and sidewalks

That will take some huge messing around to make that work.
It will be interesting to see if there is appetite for these changes in the short to medium term. Eastern Ave. is the main vehicle detour route while Lake Shore Boulevard East (LSBE) is being reconfigured until 2024. Assuming the Gardiner East (Cherry to Don) will be under construction after that, and that full capacity on Eastern is required while the Gardiner gets rebuilt, it's unlikely we'd see major construction on Eastern. Maybe once LSBE, Gardiner and the Ontario Line are complete the re-construction of the ramps could happen, but this puts us to after 2030.
It will be interesting to see if there is appetite for these changes in the short to medium term. Eastern Ave. is the main vehicle detour route while Lake Shore Boulevard East (LSBE) is being reconfigured until 2024. Assuming the Gardiner East (Cherry to Don) will be under construction after that, and that full capacity on Eastern is required while the Gardiner gets rebuilt, it's unlikely we'd see major construction on Eastern. Maybe once LSBE, Gardiner and the Ontario Line are complete the re-construction of the ramps could happen, but this puts us to after 2030.

I believe the reconstruction is tied to both the East Harbour and the Gardiner Hybrid projects.

I'm uncertain of the order of operations.

But if the City is already at high level design, its likely sooner than 2030.............

But perhaps, I'm being optimistic.

1, 2-16 Sumach Street - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Preliminary Report

This item will be considered by Toronto and East York Community Council on November 24, 2021.

This report provides information and identifies a preliminary set of issues regarding the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition applications respecting 1 and 2-16 Sumach Street. The application proposes the demolition of the "Cube House" and four low-rise houses to permit the construction of 35-storey tower (120 metres including the mechanical penthouse), that steps down twice to a 12-storey and 6-storey podium element containing 324 condo units and 119 affordable rental housing units. The application proposes to incorporate four Heritage Listed properties as well as the Sumach Street right-of-way into the development.

The applications have been circulated to all appropriate agencies and City divisions for comment. Staff will proceed to schedule a community consultation meeting for the application with the Ward Councillor.​

This development has sparked interest from councillor Wong-Tam to try to get something done w/the moribund space under on/off ramps of the Eastern Avenue bridge here.

She has a Member Motion going to next week's Council Meeting as follows:


Link: http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgendaItemHistory.do?item=2022.MM41.10

In her motion background she notes the following:


For reference, some Streetviews of the area in question:

(along Sumach)


(along King)

Something might be up here.............

Block developments has now registered to lobby on this site.

The website earlier linked to in this thread is now 'expired' and I don't see any reference to this project on the Markee website.

Just speculation, for the moment.

I know there are members here who would know, LOL
Something might be up here.............

Block developments has now registered to lobby on this site.

The website earlier linked to in this thread is now 'expired' and I don't see any reference to this project on the Markee website.

Just speculation, for the moment.

I know there are members here who would know, LOL

Surprised this post didn't garner more interest.............

But I'll add to it anyway...........

RAW has just registered to lobby on this site; so I'm thinking the Gh3 design is out; but can't confirm that.

Edit to add: wonder if @AlexBozikovic who broke the story of the initial proposal here might have some insight to share.
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I honestly wonder about people sometimes. Yes these buildings are interesting and a bit of a landmark. But they're also run down and replaceable.

In no universe are they worth saving over building very badly needed housing.

More to the point, for amount paid for the land by the developer, there's a snowball's chance in hell of "saving" them.
I honestly wonder about people sometimes. Yes these buildings are interesting and a bit of a landmark. But they're also run down and replaceable.

In no universe are they worth saving over building very badly needed housing.

More to the point, for amount paid for the land by the developer, there's a snowball's chance in hell of "saving" them.
Dear Doctor: I disagree and think they ARE worth saving but agree it cannot be in that location. Though I realise that the developer paid $$$ for the land, that was based on (very likely) being able to build a huge building there; following your logic if someone pays a huge sum for land they are 'owed' the chance to make $$ on it by having zoning changes accepted. If a developer paid big bucks for the site of Old City Hall would you say 'oh well, he is going to build housing for 2000 people and paid a lot for the land so he needs to be given the OK'?
I don't know what Block's 'ask' is going to be here, or what the Councillor would like for the City...........but this lobbying file is extraordinary for the amount of contacts.....

From just one lobbyist, I count over 60 contacts since last June, that's roughly 1 every 3 working days.
