1 Yorkville is at the Design Review Panel right now, and the reception of the "Yamasaki fins" on the exterior is quite good. Members are expressing their satisfaction at seeing something beyond the standard glass box. Both titanium and aluminum are in consideration as the material for the fins… with neither material—ahem—set in stone yet. Looking forward to bringing you more detail soon enough…
im not sure but I think that this tower will be the first of its kind because it will change its shape, design due to the position of the sun and direction of light. I think this building Is pretty cool they should build this thing as soon as possible.
Thanks for the updates interchange! Great to hear that the DRP was somewhat favourable to this design. Was the vote for refinement regarding just the step backs, or where there additional concerns?
Varacalli himself said that the design was still being refined anyway. DRP mostly pleased overall, but looking forward to next appearance at the panel with more evolved details.
Varacalli himself said that the design was still being refined anyway. DRP mostly pleased overall, but looking forward to next appearance at the panel with more evolved details.
Great. I have to admit I have been pleasantly surprised by some of the DRPs recent recommendations. This plus 481 University's podium is a real winner (though 480 needs some more work). It appears the DRP is making some headway with developers.
im not sure but I think that this tower will be the first of its kind because it will change its shape, design due to the position of the sun and direction of light. I think this building Is pretty cool they should build this thing as soon as possible.
No! Rumor has it that the balconies are also being designed in the innovative "accordion style" which gives unit owners the ability to "fold-up" their terraces. So, the building's footprint can be reduced, thus minimizing shadow effects further!
My source at Bazis also tells me that for their public art contribution, they want to implement a proposal similar to James Murphy's for New York's subway turnstiles (if you're not familiar: http://www.theatlantic.com/technolo...ing-musical-turnstiles-in-nycs-subway/281406/), though instead incorporate it into the opening and closing of all external doors (balconies, lobby entrance, garage door and so forth) at 1 Yorkille, a first of its kind proposal unseen anywhere else in the world, thereby creating a mellifluous symphony for all Torontonians to enjoy, though the Yorkville NIMBY's and BIA are fighting it tooth and nail out of concerns for "noise pollution," and for destroying the village feel of the neighbourhood.