Yorkville, as a whole, is part of downtown, and a very appropriate area for highrise development.
Yorkville's appeal has always been in its lowrise Victorian character, so it's not an appropriate area for highrise development. Only the major streets should see high-rise development.
Yorkville's appeal has always been in its lowrise Victorian character, so it's not an appropriate area for highrise development. Only the major streets should see high-rise development.

I have no feelings about this project one way or the other, but by your own location criterion...
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I figure most people who worry about the wind tunnel effect are really just concerned about how their hair will look when they get to wherever they are headed :rolleyes:
There are some windy spots around town, but I've never considered Yonge/Yorkville one of them
There are some windy spots around town, but I've never considered Yonge/Yorkville one of them

It will be once they build a 58s lighting rod there. That's my point. Preserve the character of the neighborhood. Let them build windstorms down by the lake, in liberty village or Yonge & Finch.
It shouldn't be that windy. The tower is effectively using the storefronts as a podium/windbreak, and the tower itself is super-articulated because of the crumpled facade. Add to that that it's not at a major cross street, there's a mid-rise podium and a couple historic lowrises across the street, and suddenly there doesn't seem to be much cause for concern. I'm sure a wind study would be part of the planning process, but I just don't see it being an issue for this one.
It will be once they build a 58s lighting rod there. That's my point. Preserve the character of the neighborhood. Let them build windstorms down by the lake, in liberty village or Yonge & Finch.

I agree. Yorkville will become a wind tunnel. I'm afraid it's too late to preserve the character of neighborhood. The future of Yorkville is highrises, the restaurants and shops will still be there, but all the low rise buildings/parking garage, will be replaced with high rises.
140 Yorkville Avenue Condos and the Yorkville Plaza towers are just the beginning I'm afraid.
It will be once they build a 58s lighting rod there. That's my point.

Shouldn't an actual wind study be done before jumping to this conclusion? For all we know, average winds in front of this project might end up less than they are currently.
Yeah, I tend to think that ship has sailed, too. It's already going high rise, and it's only going to intensify. The land is too valuable, the location too choice. The pressure to develop vertical villages in the core is not going to abate any time soon.

It's funny. I love many of the heritage buildings in Yorkville but I find the neighbourhood as a whole utterly sterile. It's charmless and plastic. Feels more like a tony tourist destination than a real neighbourhood. I suppose that's why I find myself feeling indifferent to its fate. It's already been seriously compromised. Anything that happens now will likely be an improvement - provided the towers that rise there are nicely designed, of course. This being Toronto, I'm wary of bland glass boxes sprouting up.
