That Yorkville to Gerard perspective is a skyline any city would love to have....and it's just Toronto's midtown!!!
Everyone probably has their own geographic definitions, but I've always considered Dundas and south 'downtown'; Yorkville-Gerard 'midtown'; and St. Clair to York Mills 'uptown'.
But I'm old ;) ;)
I also miss carbon paper and white-out.
The City considers Yonge & Eglinton the centre of Midtown for planning and other purposes. A BIA up there uses the term too in their name. There's no official Uptown, but Yonge & Bloor was considered the centre of that because of the cinema located there. After it came down, the name Bloor-Yorkville, aided by condo marketers, eventually grew beyond its former boundaries to swallow Uptown whole.

Yonge/Bloor is mid town to me. King/Bay and envirions are downtown to me. St. Clair/Yonge is Uptown to me. Yonge and Eglinton is Yonge and Eg. etc.
Meanwhile I'm wondering what the retail will be in this location? Anyone?
Interesting ...
To me it's always been downtown form the Lake to Bloor ... mid-town has been Yonge & Eg ... and uptown has always been Yonge & Sheppard.
Was taking a walk back from the Brick Lane Sunday market through the city yesterday and noticed a building on Aldgate High Street under construction - it's a new hotel from Hilton under their Canopy brand - I thought it looked familiar.

Designed by ACME - a studio based in London.



The effect here is way better done than at 1 Yorkville. This is how it should be done. Why do we get half-baked copies? Imagine the same effect as below on a tower, wowzerz.

Was taking a walk back from the Brick Lane Sunday market through the city yesterday and noticed a building on Aldgate High Street under construction - it's a new hotel from Hilton under their Canopy brand - I thought it looked familiar.

Designed by ACME - a studio based in London.



