"Unhand those drafting implements and blueprints, Mister Wengle! For you are an errant knave, Sirrah, and you know not what you are about!"
Also, adding insult to townhouses' injury, it all looks very precasty in life. If you're going to be pompous at least do it in stone.
Then again, it does somehow wind up "fitting in" with what's been happening in Yorkville over the past quarter of century or so. By default, of course.
... yes, and this sort of historicist pastiche reeks of the sort of ostentatious "good taste" that only money can buy.
Just as interesting is the question of how this could happen. This architect's work is usually pretty good and the Yorkville towers seem to fit in. It almost seems as though the Scollard element was designed by another firm since H&R don't typically do townhouses.
Just as interesting is the question of how this could happen. This architect's work is usually pretty good and the Yorkville towers seem to fit in. It almost seems as though the Scollard element was designed by another firm since H&R don't typically do townhouses.

The townhouses aren't H&P (whom I think you meant): it's Richard Wengle who whipped up these things for Scollard.

I doubt the tacked-on pre-cast detail will ever look finished. Residents appreciate good taste and uniformity. Salvaged brickwork would be less expensive and look more authentic and taking cues from the preserved building would've adhered to this.
11 April 2009 photo update

Driving by the retail portion here's a closer look:



Did you know only ppl of questionable taste shop at Diesel or Teatro Verde? It's true: Just ask urbandreamer!:p
I think Diesel is pretty low style for the price you pay. Teatro Verde seems quite nice though!
Yes, but that's not the Wengle side of the complex. And moreover, TV happens to be in the salvaged oldest part, which connotes the cream of the retail crop, I suppose...
Aside from the awful townhomes, which are kind of out of view anyway, this project works for me, especially the real stone and copper on the retail base(s). Thanks for the pics.
