A wider variety of parks would be nice, but I think we are getting there slowly. There are cool urban parks like underpass, Allan gardens has it all, play grounds, dog park, green houses, huge old trees. Sure some of the flower gardens outside the greenhouses could be better manicured.

Why the hate for high park? High park is great because it's largely left alone. As someone who grew up in a provincial park I desperately wish toronto had more wild densely grown yet sprawling spaces. High park, the spit and the don valley are among the few places I get that nostalgia. I love manicured parks with grand fountains and all that, but I wouldn't want every park to be like that.
We pretend it is "Toronto style" ("we prefer this way") instead of lack of taste.
Just a thought: if you were to have been paid for every instance of Toronto-bashing you've engaged in here, I'd expect you'd be sufficiently well-off by now to be able to relocate from this burg (the very place which makes you so chronically miserable).
Ksun, what made you decide that Toronto was the best place for you to move to? What do you even like about this city?
I don't totally disagree with his point... but there's a lot of things Toronto used to do badly that it does better now. As far as I know, the city has hundred of millions in the Parkland Acquisition Fund that has to be spent on things like this. Could really be a great site for a mini-square like something you would find in New York... a dose of green plus a multi-purpose space for smaller gatherings, farmer's markets, etc... What bums me out about this city is how it seems like developers run the show. I've been spending a lot of time down around Unwin Avenue working on my boat at the Outer Harbour Marina. That's probably 200 acres of land within a 10 minute drive of downtown. Has amazing potential but I feel like if it was ever developed, it would just become another Cityplace. Municipal Government here seems to be well-meaning but in the end the developers pretty much get what they want, which is why we get stuck with things like Cityplace, McCondos in what is some of the most prime land we have.
I don't totally disagree with his point... but there's a lot of things Toronto used to do badly that it does better now. As far as I know, the city has hundred of millions in the Parkland Acquisition Fund that has to be spent on things like this. Could really be a great site for a mini-square like something you would find in New York... a dose of green plus a multi-purpose space for smaller gatherings, farmer's markets, etc... What bums me out about this city is how it seems like developers run the show. I've been spending a lot of time down around Unwin Avenue working on my boat at the Outer Harbour Marina. That's probably 200 acres of land within a 10 minute drive of downtown. Has amazing potential but I feel like if it was ever developed, it would just become another Cityplace. Municipal Government here seems to be well-meaning but in the end the developers pretty much get what they want, which is why we get stuck with things like Cityplace, McCondos in what is some of the most prime land we have.

Don't be too hard on Cityplace. It didn't turn out too bad all things considered. (all things including the recently proposed sextuplets forming a staggered 200+ metre wall along the east harbour.)
Ksun, what made you decide that Toronto was the best place for you to move to? What do you even like about this city?

I wanted to move to a smaller and slower paced city. That's what I like about it.
I have no overseas money btw. Brought two suitcases and maybe $8000 when I arrived in Canada.
Pretty typical. Comes here wanting a smaller, slower paced city and yet seems disappointed by that.

Judging from past posts, seems to have departed from one of those very Chinese megacities that are constantly praised within said posts. Poor guy is confused.
