Developer: CityHousing Hamilton
Architect: Kearns Mancini Architects
Address: 104-106 Bay St N, Hamilton, Canada
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2024
Height: 85 ft / 25.83 mStoreys: 6 storeys
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This is just housing. City Housing Hamilton rarely includes ground floor public or private uses outside a small amenity space or additional housing. I'm hoping the phase 2 fronting Cannon St is higher density and includes at least a community space.

That’s really bad. The City should be providing their residents with a basic community / bldg amenity, especially in an area of downtown that could use it.

Isolation is becoming a bigger problem in society, and if our publicly-funded housing isn’t helping to prevent it, then we’re failing as a community.
The SJAM property is screaming for something big and beautiful to be built on it
I'd love to see a awesome site plan with park space, multiple blocks and community space on the ground floor along with some type of really active commercial space, like a small/mid sized music venue. Maybe one of these days I'll draw up a site plan for the site.
I'd love to see a awesome site plan with park space, multiple blocks and community space on the ground floor along with some type of really active commercial space, like a small/mid sized music venue. Maybe one of these days I'll draw up a site plan for the site.
So I did it, and will improve, but since it's off topic here, thought I'd tweet about it and share the link instead, sort of relevant because I included social housing as a component:

So I did it, and will improve, but since it's off topic here, thought I'd tweet about it and share the link instead, sort of relevant because I included social housing as a component:

A couple changes to make:
-The SJAM property doesn't actually include the utility building, so you'll need to cut that corner of the block out of the redevelopment area.
-Honour the school board's very legitimate and long-sought desire to build a new elementary school on the site to replace the current one. Incorporate a 2-storey elementary school into the podium of a high-rise, and include additional residential at the site of the current Hess elementary school.

Otherwise, I love the re-connection of Caroline St at least for cyclists and pedestrians.
