Sounds to me like "don't blame the drug pushers for the blight of addiction - they're just responding to the greed of their kingpin! Blame the end users instead."

There are many developers in Toronto who are meeting the demands of investors who employ better architects and turn out better projects than Canderel does. Canderel clearly has no appreciation for architecture, design or urbanism AT ALL - which is problematic considering the scale and height of the projects they've been responsible for building in the heart of our city.

And as for more density, more people, more retail, & so forth... there is more to good city-building than cramming in as many people as possible into a monoculture of glass and steel tombstones (& offering the people a few more concourses and food-court options as some sort of exciting side benefit). You can visit at any fourth-rate insta-city in China if you want to see what that kind of urbanism looks like. (Spoiler alert: It's oppressively ugly and soul-crushing).
You're right that Everyone is responsible. And I would extend that beyond the developer and investors and brokers.
Stakeholders like neighbours and staff are responsible as well. They should be encouraging and cooperating with developers who deliver great buildings, and pushing back on those with the opposite approach. Whereas right now it feels like people are more focused on just height and density, instead of focusing more on good density by good developers.
a part of me is really excited for another 200m+ building but a little part inside me is saying Canderel strikes again.
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A generic tower placed on top of the office building, 220 metres, just to show its location downtown. Will be updated once renders come out:

View attachment 173975
I think it will make more sense if you show the actual buildings instead of all the proposals and pipe dreams. Or maybe make them semi-transparent? Otherwise every new proposal will look like just another one in the sea of other proposals.
The whole point of my model is to show all of the proposals, and all towers under construction and all the built towers as well. Everything, not just some of it...
You have to understand that proposals become construction sites, which then become buildings. I don't put pipe dreams in my model, I put real proposals made by real companies trying to make real money. I agree that some are just land flipping exercises, and those quickly become stale proposals, which I remove from my model.
Also, the number of proposals is in the 200 range, and the number of towers downtown is in the 1200 - 1300 range, meaning only about 1/6 of the buildings shown are proposals.
The Firkin will be a loss. Not that I particularly care for the Firkin chain, but it was a good option on Bay Street for the after-work office crowd.
Hariri Pontarini:


Hmmmm.... I have some niggling reservations regarding some of the fussier aspects of the design but... bring it on.
I really like it. It reminds me of Stantec Tower in Edmonton. Happy to see that the architect is HPA too.
