I'm impressed to see this from Canderel but, I'm not impressed with the design. It's still very preliminary and I have no faith Canderel will stick with it.

Staff should take issue with the 27 times coverage. It's also very tall for its address.
I wish Toronto buyers stopped demanding balconies. Those tiny balconies don’t provide meaningful ‘outdoor space’ anyways.
Personally I kinda dig it. Slightly different. Agreed on last comment regarding balconies. Feeling like balconies are over rated and maybe a larger mid section out door space. Like an extreme over sized and beautifully crafted balcony/community space. with high ceiling or set backs and stairs... different levels etc. Wish I was a designer for buildings I see it in my head ... not the best at explaining things. sorry, rambled off.
they should build bay windows instead of balconies. they are really cool.
I wish Toronto buyers stopped demanding balconies. Those tiny balconies don’t provide meaningful ‘outdoor space’ anyways.
Yeah...they should put up black screens with holes in them to make the outside of the building more acceptable...lol
As with many posters, a key consideration for me is how the podium meets the street. In the renders provided, it is very difficult to see that in detail so I can’ comment on that matter. But I do like the strong and simple vertical lines of the structure. I particularly like the way those vertical lines flow inward on an angle over the setback from the podium, with a tent like opening to the terrace level. I do not share the general anti balcony sentiment of a number of posters and in this case, they keep those vertical lines from being too simple and austere.

I am pleasantly surprised that Canderel chose Hariri Pontarini rather than G and C for this project. It is hard to imagine the latter producing something of this quality. But yes, execution of the design will be key in the long run.
I'm encouraged that even if this is done with such bad materials and janky details the pleasantly simple but tasteful geometric shape of it is likely to make it better than most.
I like it but it will come down to the material selection. It reminds me of a thinner EY Tower (the new one at Adelaide and Sheppard) crossed with the proposed 1 Eglinton East (also by HPA). Overall, pretty happy with this new round of proposals. Is our city’s architectural taste maturing finally?
