Dying seems a tad hyperbolic to me.. but yes, this part of Queen West definitely merits some reinvestment, and a reinvention. If the redevelopments are as fashion-forward as 12 Degrees, the cool will definitely be back on this block.

8 May 2010 update: Looks pretty dead today--time to knock it down and start over!


Do us all a favour and knock down the neighbouring apartment building dump as well!
Thanks to urbanation for the link, looks like the city refused this proposal. http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/te/bgrd/backgroundfile-31103.pdf

Primary reasons:

1)No replacement for rental housing (I say: I see huge rental apartment building in my photo above. :p)
2)Heritage buildings on site. (I say: Yeah, lazy developer thinks they can get away with this stuff, eh?)
3)Inappropriate height for the area. (I say: Really? Do they have eyes and know how to look around here? Shall I take my photo above to the city and show them what lying morons they are???)
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Why would the builder go to market so fast? They could of waited a few more weeks! What a waste of $$
Thanks to urbanation for the link, looks like the city refused this proposal. http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/te/bgrd/backgroundfile-31103.pdf

Primary reasons:

1)No replacement for rental housing (I say: I see huge rental apartment building in my photo above. :p)
2)Heritage buildings on site. (I say: Yeah, lazy developer thinks they can get away with this stuff, eh?)
3)Inappropriate height for the area. (I say: Really? Do they have eyes and know how to look around here? Shall I take my photo above to the city and show them what lying morons they are???)

So sad..:confused:
No to a nice design.
This does not mean that the project is dead. The above link is to a Refusal Recommendation report: City planning staff here suggesting that council refuse the zoning reapplication. While the recommendation is usually followed, City council does not always follow suit. Meanwhile, planning staff are still trying to work out the reasons for their recommendation:
It is staff’s intention to continue working with the applicant to try to resolve the remaining issues.

Stay tuned!

^Well, the unfortunate thing is that even if the heritage and rental issues are worked out, the angular plane/height issue seems to be of major concern, and that's directly related to the building's design. It would be very unfortunate if the building got "straightened" out just to be approved.
That is the issue that I hope City council will ignore in this case. While I am not familiar with abutting owners concerns here... I would hate to see such a cool design be nixed.


This projet was reomended for approval based on some minor revisions relative to the latest refusd plans. It is slotted to be adopted for approval with staff and Councilor in support at the next meeting of Council in August. I believe that the height ended up being 11 storeys in total. Not sure what happened with the heritage issue but I read all this in the latest edition of NRU. A good edition to Beverley for sure. Such a nice street in a great area with a bunch of junk on it. These buildings need to get pulverized. Good riddance. The proposed building looks awesome as we all seem to agree.
There are applications in for 15 to 27 Beverley St. similar to the one below.

Application: Demolition Folder (DM) Status: Not Started

Location: 15 BEVERLEY ST

Ward 20: Trinity-Spadina

Application#: 10 215256 DEM 00 DM Accepted Date: Jul 8, 2010

Project: SFD - Semi-Detached Demolition

Description: Application for rental housing demolition of existing buildings - 6 residential units. See 10 200430 STE 20 OZ for site plan approval. Official Plan Amendment application relatod to rezoning application 09-133546 to permit the redevelopment of the lands for a new 10 storey (32.2 metres) residential building with a total of 90 units.
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Comedy gold:

“I hope they don’t put a plaque in the lobby that says I lived there,” [Gehry] said. “I would be insulted by that. Who wants a plaque with your name on it in some shitty-looking lobby?”

An in case anyone was wondering, Mr. Gehry said supporters of 12° have been in touch with him to talk about acknowledging his historic link to the property. He called this “a generous gesture, maybe, or an opportunistic gesture, I don’t know.”

Gehry clearly doesn't care if his childhood home is demolished.

From G&M article Frank Gehry unfazed by plans to demolish childhood home in Toronto by Anthony Reinhart
Comedy gold:

"I hope they don't put a plaque in the lobby that says I lived there,” [Gehry] said. “I would be insulted by that. Who wants a plaque with your name on it in some shitty-looking lobby?"

Babak Eslahjou is probably crying right now.
