December 7:


The house on the left is being taken down brick-by-brick to prevent damage to the adjoining structure.
Really glad to see this one under way. The Gehry house, while very old, was not a big loss.
^^^ That apartment is one of the biggest eyesores downtown. It even sticks out like a sore thumb in aerial photos. What the heck were they thinking when they approved that thing in the 60's? Anyways, I doubt it will be going away anytime soon. They do a great job maintaining it.
We have added a dataBase entry for 12° now, introduced by a front page story.
Now that they're done demolishing the Gehry house, I wish they'd move onto that apartment building in the background.

Indeed. If that building wasn't there Grange park would be a celebrated public garden - the whole area would feel different. As it is the park feels like a slightly seedy backwater.
March 6:


Does anyone know what the holdup with this one is? The only work done in the last 3 months happened this week - 3 workers showed up to nail a couple 2x4's onto the wobbly gate.
March 6:

Does anyone know what the holdup with this one is? The only work done in the last 3 months happened this week - 3 workers showed up to nail a couple 2x4's onto the wobbly gate.

Permits? Status as of March 8:

11 180260 BLD 00 New Building Apr 21, 2011 Under Review
11 180260 FND 00 Partial Permit Apr 21, 2011 Under Review
11 180260 SHO 00 Partial Permit Apr 21, 2011 Permit Issued
11 136984 DST 00 Designated Structures Mar 4, 2011 Examiner's Notice Sent
My friend's grandmother lived in that tower years ago. Apparently it had quite the pest problem back then. I wouldn't be surprised if it has improved since it would be a great place to have an apartment. They might do a condo conversion.
