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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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That's what I was kind of thinking about a floor-mounted stanchion under the HVAC unit - there would only be 2 per car (one at each end, directly under the HVAC) so people with disabilities can still get in/around just fine through any of the doors on each vehicle. They can't move between cars on any other train so I don't see what the big deal here would be. (or is that incredibly offensive/insensitive of me?)

In an emergency evacuation would be done through the ends of the train, so people with disabilities would have trouble getting out of the train
Of course they do. There are numerous situations where the TRs would need to run on Line 2. For example, problems at Greenwood Yard may force them to run TRs from Wilson to supplement service on Line 2. I know for certain they've done testing for some TRs on Line 2. A friend of mine saw them doing clearance testing at Dundas West with those foam bricks when the first TRs were entering revenue service. I'm not sure if they test every TR on Line 2.

I've seen a TR as far west on Line 2 as Kipling, sitting in a storage track. I'm not quite sure what the big guy was doing all the way over there, but I hope he got home safe. I know someone at Wilson was missing him :)
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Saw a new TR testing on Bloor yesterday around 9pm.. didn't know the ttc even ran them on the line, even for testing.

Which reminds me, on Sunday I saw a T1 at Sheppard station on the YUS line. I thought it would have been all TRs by now.
Do they test them on Sheppard?

Ahem.. Smallspy?

Already been done.

Which reminds me, on Sunday I saw a T1 at Sheppard station on the YUS line. I thought it would have been all TRs by now.

There is one train of T1s left on the YUS, and it will remain there until the end of the winter. It is the glycol train.

It is expected that they'll have a couple of TRs outfitted with glycol dispensing systems for next winter.

Toronto, Ont.
Already been done.

There is one train of T1s left on the YUS, and it will remain there until the end of the winter. It is the glycol train.

Toronto, Ont.

There were actually two out last Thursday, one with glycol units at both ends (5136-39), and one with one glycol unit (5370-71), making for a pretty rare day.
There were actually two out last Thursday, one with glycol units at both ends (5136-39), and one with one glycol unit (5370-71), making for a pretty rare day.

Interesting. It was my understanding that it was only supposed to be the one train left out there. Guess with this cold snap and snow they want to make sure that nothing happens.

Toronto, Ont.
Why would they need to test all of the trains? They're all built the same, and fit within the same dynamic envelope.

Toronto, Ont.

Wish the same could be said for the new streetcars....theyre all the same spec, they should be pressed into service asap
Wish the same could be said for the new streetcars....theyre all the same spec, they should be pressed into service asap

I think Smallspy was saying that there was no need to explicitly test each transit on Lines 2 & 4. I assume that each trainset would still go through standard testing on Line 1, and if it passes then it should be good on the other lines as well. It would be beyond negligent for the TTC to accept ownership of a train from Bombardier and put it into revenue service without some testing.
