I wonder if today's crane collapse will accelerate the condo development
Through the Butterfly Effect?

It's kinda bland and boring and forgettable but it's not like it's taking over some heritage building so I'm good with more rentals in the core
Site Plan Approval application submitted:

Development Applications
Docs are up:



I would be happy if they had the guts to stick to the purple cladding when they actually build this. Between that and the clean tower design I would be happy. I also like that the podium is a bit unique. I can see why someone would call it gimmicky but in a town of grey and blue/green glass boxes (with some occasional white strips on a balcony) I'll gladly take gimmicky as long as it's not overly tacky and I don't think that this is overly tacky
I would be happy if they had the guts to stick to the purple cladding when they actually build this. Between that and the clean tower design I would be happy. I also like that the podium is a bit unique. I can see why someone would call it gimmicky but in a town of grey and blue/green glass boxes (with some occasional white strips on a balcony) I'll gladly take gimmicky as long as it's not overly tacky and I don't think that this is overly tacky
Do you think the cladding has a purplish colour ? If so I hope the rendering stays true with its colours and has some of that golden bronze look for the windows. Just like the photos up above. It really blends nicely with the cladding making building look unique.
Gimmicky and lame

Y'all need to loosen up. Toronto's modern architecture is generally so boring and straight-edged that we should welcome any type of whimsy or eclecticism as long as it isn't completely outrageous. At least a person could identify this building among a sea of grey boxes.

There will surely be further iterations of this design that will likely tone down the podium elements. Pooh-poohing an attempt at creativity at this stage is an unfortunate reaction.
Y'all need to loosen up. Toronto's modern architecture is generally so boring and straight-edged that we should welcome any type of whimsy or eclecticism as long as it isn't completely outrageous. At least a person could identify this building among a sea of grey boxes.

There will surely be further iterations of this design that will likely tone down the podium elements. Pooh-poohing an attempt at creativity at this stage is an unfortunate reaction.
To be fair, there might be an underlying fear that if the devs opt for cheaper materials with this, we'll end up with another YC Condo "wonder", to put it mildly. Thusly, this thing could end up being another iconic disaster...

...that said, I suspect there will be a few refinements to the design of this project before it's ready to go. In fact, I'm not sure how far along the line on the approval process this thing is. So it's likely we're all speculating here, for better or worse. But I certainly hope for the best outcome here.
It sad to see they're knocking down an office building that has a rich mirrored glass facade look for this !
