This is going to be a mini YC Condos. Yuck.
LOL, this building gets a pass? What a beautiful design and I believe OMB must think it fits our downtown great! Btw right next to 19 Duncan and Mirvish + Gehry, must be a great, close view for the ppl living in those future buildings.

Seriously, I think this building stands out in a very unique way, very unique. It reminds all the urban ppl not to forget the suburb life.
LOL, this building gets a pass? What a beautiful design and I believe OMB must think it fits our downtown great! Btw right next to 19 Duncan and Mirvish + Gehry, must be a great, close view for the ppl living in those future buildings.

Seriously, I think this building stands out in a very unique way, very unique. It reminds all the urban ppl not to forget the suburb life.

Are we looking at the same renderings?

I think this could quite possibly be the worst new building to rise in the last decade.
Are we looking at the same renderings?

I think this could quite possibly be the worst new building to rise in the last decade.
Yeah maybe and maybe not?, but then again not too pretty down there
150 pearl street.PNG
I'd rather take what's currently on site, than the trash heap that's going to be built and will stay in our skyline forever.
Oh well i couldn't care less whats up there and like many in this city, rather have a vibrant street life for most to enjoy
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Haha, there used to be the day when people on UT trash talked a development as it was being built, now it starts with a city planning report, pic or ?
Haha, there used to be the day when people on UT trash talked a development as it was being built, now it starts with a city planning report, pic or ?
Because planning reports were never as easy to access as they are now. And also because some people have standards?
I have issues with the design but mostly with the excessive height and density being shoved in the area in the coming years. A midrise version with greater setbacks would have been a nice break from the 157m tabletop, not to mention would have given some breathing room between buildings
Haha, there used to be the day when people on UT trash talked a development as it was being built, now it starts with a city planning report, pic or ?
I'm going to wait to pass judgement on this gangrenous wound until it's finished setting in. I wouldn't want to judge before it's had a chance to prove itself. After all, 'tis but a flesh wound...
i dont know much about the Conservatory Group, do they build good stuff or they build stuff like YC and 50 Wellesley? i mean this could end up like Dundas Square Garden. i remember when people here used to bash Dundas Square garden and now the same people are complementing it.
