Feels like the mouth could have been resolved a bit better. It's nice to break up the form but is a little lacklustre. Almost wonder if an inset floor all the way around would have resulted in a better outcome...overall great looking office tower though!
Feels like the mouth could have been resolved a bit better. It's nice to break up the form but is a little lacklustre. Almost wonder if an inset floor all the way around would have resulted in a better outcome...overall great looking office tower though!
Given the boldness/thickness of the sweeping panels, the rim of the mouth seems a bit understated.
It could be that the inset balcony area will be brightly lit at night.
Should have used black glass or something contrasty on the inside of the hangars. Or have a deeper cut, making for a more outdoorsy space at those levels.
Plus disco balls, three per inlet.

Just hang one in the middle and it'll be its uvula!
Hey, how about Mini 160 Front West Disco Balls for your maw as UrbanToronto swag for 2023?! Party in your throat! Makes your uvula sparkle like never before! Yours for only $9.95 plus shipping and handling and administration fee and kickback to the Ont PC Party and tax! Just sign this lengthy and impressively comprehensive legal document first! (@mcornett @AnnetteMeetsJane @evandyk — have I got all the lawyers? We're gonna need quite the team on this one!)

Hey, how about Mini 160 Front West Disco Balls for your maw as UrbanToronto swag for 2023?! Party in your throat! Makes your uvula sparkle like never before! Yours for only $9.95 plus shipping and handling and administration fee and kickback to the Ont PC Party and tax! Just sign this lengthy and impressively comprehensive legal document first! (@mcornett @AnnetteMeetsJane @evandyk — have I got all the lawyers? We're gonna need quite the team on this one!)

If you can dream it, somebody stupid has done it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uvula_piercing

I can see it now, the UT Disco Ball Uvula Challenge on TikTok.
The view from above, Monday.
Photo by me.

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I’ll be sad to see the Richmond street Scotia Cineplex go in a year or three, I have a ton of great memories of that theatre, but from this angle, you can really see that corner crying out to be redeveloped. It looks so squat and sad.
