Me and @Rascacielo must've just missed eachother on Monday. While I don't like being the one to basically take the same image as others on the same day, it cannot to understated how good this building looks from the Islands.


I took this on the way there,
sadly, I feel this has turned out to be a disappointment. the overall shape of the building is a positive, but the cladding is bland and boring. this building struggles to stand out from the other equally bland all glass buildings that it neighbours. I feel like the outline of the building could have been accented more with a wider edging. the repetitive horizontal banding of the floors just seems so boring. and of course some colour would have been nice.
sadly, I feel this has turned out to be a disappointment. the overall shape of the building is a positive, but the cladding is bland and boring. this building struggles to stand out from the other equally bland all glass buildings that it neighbours. I feel like the outline of the building could have been accented more with a wider edging. the repetitive horizontal banding of the floors just seems so boring. and of course some colour would have been nice.
I have to agree- while it is competently detailed and relatively adventurous in its overall form, the base slams into the ground, while also missing opportunities for more interesting interior lobby/atrium spaces intersecting with the former warehouse building (the focus of the 'swoop', yet reduced to a facade). Likewise, the height reduction did a real number on this building- it feels stubby and even fat from certain angles...

Personally, I am hoping that we'll get some nice opening day images out of the Sky Atrium- which would have been nice if it were publicly accessible.
The horizontal banding is the only nitpick I have with this otherwise fine addition to the skyline. Makes the building look stumpy and shorter than it is.
