Wait we're not losing the building in the front of that pic ... rather the smaller one behind it.
Wait we're not losing the building in the front of that pic ... rather the smaller one behind it.

Hahaha, Wow..its amazing how people come to a conclusion that its all coming down....it is the smaller one, and the one closest to the empty lot that is going to be part of the development and not 146 Front Street West.
Hahaha, Wow..its amazing how people come to a conclusion that its all coming down....it is the smaller one, and the one closest to the empty lot that is going to be part of the development and not 146 Front Street West.

Yep that's right ...

Having said that, I can understands some concerns that this will only be the start and eventually the building fronting Univeristy will go as well ... hopefully that'll never happen.
Yep that's right ...

Having said that, I can understands some concerns that this will only be the start and eventually the building fronting Univeristy will go as well ... hopefully that'll never happen.

I hope not, i have said it before... that beautiful heritage building (146 Front) is untouchable.
It always amazes me how large companies that thrive on the business of leasing commercial office space can make such mistakes ... first of all, the inventory figures in that report are not at all representing the CBD ... for Toronto, it's the entire city. The vacancy rate, however, is for the downtown core alone.

Now to be fair ... I think the messed up the inventory of all cities :) They all look like the total inventory across the city proper ... at least they didn't include the rest of the GTA, a very common mistake.

80 million is about the figure for all of Toronto last I checked.

Actually ... having a closer look, I'm pretty sure Huston and Los Angles are wrong ... i.e. the inventory is actually for the CBD alone in that case so I would ignore those entries.

I think the leasing companies stats are fair. Los Angeles and Houston have minimal office space outside the CBD so no need to include it, where as Toronto has a lot of office space outside the CBD so it is fair to include the whole city to give a more accurate office space number. I think you will find most American cities are pretty flat outside the CBD.
I think the leasing companies stats are fair. Los Angeles and Houston have minimal office space outside the CBD so no need to include it, where as Toronto has a lot of office space outside the CBD so it is fair to include the whole city to give a more accurate office space number. I think you will find most American cities are pretty flat outside the CBD.

You're kidding right ? Los Angeles mainly has space outside of it's core ... you think 17 million for LA (less then Ottawa) is accurate ?
On the office tower, i would like to see a Philly type Comcast Centre or even Liberty Place development...well, anything other than the box.
No, thats the eastern facade...i think that western facade will be rebuilt on the Simcoe st. side, which i think might look tacky

Oh right whoops, my mistake. I think maybe I assumed that because the west side faces the parking lot that it wouldn't survive. Ok wait, rebuilding it facing Simcoe? So it would be detached from the south facade? Wouldn't it make sense to rebuilt both at the corner of Simcoe then.. Two detached facades would look terrible.
Oh right whoops, my mistake. I think maybe I assumed that because the west side faces the parking lot that it wouldn't survive. Ok wait, rebuilding it facing Simcoe? So it would be detached from the south facade? Wouldn't it make sense to rebuilt both at the corner of Simcoe then.. Two detached facades would look terrible.

They are obviously going to use the air rights of that building, so i dont know..maybe an inside courtyard with the facades staying intact at the same location.:confused:
You're kidding right ? Los Angeles mainly has space outside of it's core ... you think 17 million for LA (less then Ottawa) is accurate ?

Of course I am serious, I have been to Los Angeles and driven around, it is noted for the king of sprawl and you can see why. Looking out from Griffith observatory you see a cluster of tall buildings in the CBD then the city sprawls to the horizon. You mean Ottawa as the nations capital with all those (albiet small but numerous) Federal office buildings has more office space then LA. Wow what a shock. Buddy you need to get out more to get some perspective.
